Saturday, 26 January 2013

Big Garden Birdwatch.......................................................................................

It's the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend.
The idea is you watch your garden for one hour and count the birds that come into your garden.

My female Blackbird in the snow.

I have set aside 60 minutes on Sunday morning... the feeders are all primed and I aim to be having my breakfast as I do my count.

It was quite warm this afternoon and the snow is already melting.
I will be watching the garden from the comfort of my settee and the camera will stay in it's case.

 I expect the Dunnock (above)...

... and my little Robin will be among the first birds I see.
Both were on my log feeder this afternoon... I will post my results tomorrow (Sunday).

Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


TexWisGirl said...

your cute little robin is always the star of the show. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your photography skills get better every time i come here, these are amazing

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Hi Andrew. I have thought about doing these bird counts in the past, but oh my...we have so many coming grabbing up food flying away, returning right away for more and they do this all day long. I would not know which birds had just arrived, or how many times one had returned even in an hour. I made the remark to my husby just yesterday...a bird count would be next to impossible even from my little side garden, where most of the feeders are~

Brian King said...

Your robins are beautiful little birds! Good luck with your count and I'm interested to hear the result!

Bob Bushell said...

Have a nice time doing the RSPB count about your breakfast.

Anni said...

The robin is quite colorful...but the photo you have shared of the female blackbird with the contrast of the snow...gorgeous.

Jackie said...

I love this idea. I always take my camera out with me but I have never actually set a time and done a count.

I love your shots. Birds are such wonderful creatures!

Happy counting! :-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the vibrant colour of the little robin, but the dunnock has a magical, subtle beauty in all those detailed tones and patterns!

Lighthousegal said...

Wonderful photos. You captured each one so clearly that you can see a little of the bird feed on their beak.

Unknown said...

Hey Andrew,

Even the birds have participated to the birdwatching. Well done!