Monday, 24 December 2012

A winter walk.................................................. around my local nature reserve

I apologize for re-posting this clip from two years ago if you have seen it before... and you probably have.
It was taken at my local nature reserve during the freezing winter of 2010.

This is the clip without background music... much better I think.

2013 is going to be my year of moving images... if all goes to plan.
My plans for the last two years have never been fulfilled.... 2011 was all about the seashore until my camera failed on the eve of my summer holiday and taking weeks to be repaired.
2012 was going to be a long hike through the Lake District with nights out bivouacking in the hills... my knees decided that wasn't going to happen.

Merry Christmas


Carole M. said...

yes I have enjoyed this video many times over - it truly is delightful and a keeper for you Drew. It looks decidedly COLD out there and I really admire the fortitude it takes to get out early and be in it. You won out with a fantastic video to share; well executed.

Anonymous said...

There's a long list of movies I have watched more than once so no need for apologies. This is one of your best and you ought to place it in your sidebar so that we can watch it anytime we please without waiting for you to pull it out from the archives. Best wishes for your plans of 2013 to become realites. Happy Holiday to you and yours Andrew.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is wonderful and i am thinking you did this with a tripod? really great walk and video.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Hope you're having a happy Christmas Day wherever you are. And beware of excesses, whether for food or drink.

Larry said...

I love this video Andrew! It's great to hear the natural sounds too. Have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! I am looking forward to more of your videos!

Marie said...

Wonderful photos and video -- I really enjoyed my visit!

Visiting via Camera Critters :-)