Friday, 9 November 2012

Wood Mouse in my garden............................................................ a bit of info

Just a few images and info about the little Wood Mouse that lives in my garden... and it's no threat to my home.

The wood mouse is Britains most common and widespread mouse... it thrives in a variety of habitats.
It often frequents outbuildings like my shed but does not leave the same strong smell as the house mouse.

They are very energetic animals and according to my book on wildlife are only active at night...
...but I often see mine feeding during the day.

 In the winter months if food is scarce they may go into an inactive state similar to hibernation in order to conserve energy... their lifespan is only about 18 months.

Wood mice dig a burrow system underground where they store food...  a nest chamber will also be built for breeding... they only have 1 or 2 litters per year between March and October and give birth to between 4 and 7 pups... the most I have seen at one time during the last seven years is three... one adult with two youngsters and that was in 2010.


grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...They are so darn cute, we have them here to !!
They store seeds everywhere including my kitchen draws , and poop on my silverware LOL.., but I still love there ears, and eyes!! : )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can you ship me one? soooo cute. i love love love the EARS....

Karen said...

I love mice, this guy is soooooo cute!

Dina J said...

He is a cutie! Reminds me a little of our fruit rats we had before we cut down our citrus trees. I think they moved on to other yards with trees since then.

Captain Shagrat said...

beautiful little creatures... Come and see mine on my blog, you will have to scroll down a little though;-)

TexWisGirl said...

he's adorable.

Shaun said...

those are some crisp images andrew. i take it that you (not you but the camera) was on a tripod for these.
Really nice

Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

Inger-M said...

Great shots of a cute little creature :-) I'm ok with them as long as they stay outside.

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else, I too think he's cute. Sinbad has other thoughts though.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely little animals Andrew. Don't see so many about these days unfortunately.

Jason Bugay Reyes said...

So cute !

eileeninmd said...

What a cutie, great shots!

Min fotogen said...

I agree he looks like a mouse in a cartoon.. nice pic!

Misty DawnS said...

He is a cutie, and the fact that he won't go in your house makes him even cuter! ;-)

DeniseinVA said...

Super shots of this little mouse Andrew. He really is adorable! Definitely an outside pet :)

Rajesh said...

Wow! very cute.

Brian King said...

Great shots, Andrew! His eyes almost look too big for his head!

Pat said...

Storybook cute!

A Colorful World said...

He is so CUTE!!!! Thanks for the information on this interesting little critter! And great pictures!

Pia said...

They are so super cute with their button eyes and lovely ears. I love them.......... as long as they stay out!

Frank... said...

The Wood mice photos are delightful...

Rose said...

I think they are adorable...

Raya said...

what beautiful captures!!