Saturday 17 November 2012

Waxwings have visited my town..................................... but so far I've dipped

I heard a report earlier this week that a flock of around 30 Waxwings were at one of our local supermarkets.
They were feeding in the trees in the car park... I went as soon as I could but missed them.
It's early doors and there are reports of thousands... so fingers crossed I will get to see them this winter.

     These images of Waxwings were taken in November 2010...  the last time they arrived in numbers.

                            Beautiful little birds to see... and they really gave me a run around that winter.

I would argue at work that I am a Birdwatcher not a Twitcher... I became a Twitcher that winter.

I would love to see them in my garden... that would be the icing on the cake.
The berries have already been stripped from my Rowan but I have apples on the feeders so fingers crossed.

Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


  1. Ha, ha! Andrew, the third photo is the same that I have in my post! The same waxwing on the same branch! But in different countries.

  2. What lovely shots.

  3. I am desperate to see them too. There were some in Knutsford last week, but we never got to see them. From Findlay

  4. i love catching sight of the migrating flocks here, too. so beautiful.

  5. I don't recall the last time I saw any Waxwings. It has been a long time. Twitcher? Is that a UK term? I'm not familiar with it.

  6. A shame you missed them, every day I go out in hope, but they have deserted me. Ohhhhhhh.

  7. Brilliant photos Andrew. I hope you see them in your garden.

  8. Nice images Andrew! I hope that you manage to catch up with some local to you this winter. I guess the chances are good as there seem to be more and more arriving on a daily basis!

  9. Oh, I LOVE Cedar Waxwings! They were my grandmother's very favorite bird, but I didn't remember ever really seeing any till last winter, when we rented a little cottage by a park that had several big old Juniper trees growing beside it. Those Cedar Waxwings love those juniper berries, and they filled the trees and our yard for a few days while they devoured them. That's the last time I've seen any (and the cretins who bought that cottage we'd rented cut down all those wonderful old Junipers!!! Criminal!) I'm hoping we'll see some at our new home, but it's such a new neighborhood there are no mature trees around us yet. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy seeing the photos I took of that epic Waxwing visitation last year, and I hope you enjoy several sightings of vast flocks of them and get lots of great photo ops this winter! :-)

  10. I am sure that you will catch up with some soon Andrew, it's just a matter of time. It definitely looks like a Waxwing winter!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  11. Was there a special offer at your super market this week?
    Fingers are crossed for you to have this beautiful bird as winter guest.

  12. I got to see them yesterday at Deeside Industrial park just a 10 minute drive from where I live and was thrilled - so beautiful - also saw my first fieldfare - back there tomorrow morning to hopefully get another look before they strip the trees bare and move on - photos will soon be on the blog! The funniest thing was that there were a quite a few cameras with long lenses lined up, certainly getting some funny looks from the vans and lorries driving past - a few stopped to ask what all the fuss was about!

  13. What beauties they are!

  14. Beautiful captures. Fun to watch them I am sure.

  15. Beautiful photo series showing a little bird
    Hanne Bente

  16. Gosh, I hope they reach the Wirral!

  17. OH! beautiful waxwings!!
    i have never seen one in person...although i did find feathers one day in the yard!

  18. I hear they've been sighted nearby at Gadbrook park just opposite Roberts bakery over the last few days.

  19. Stunning....I especially like the last image with the sun's glow on the branches and setting off the beautiful bird!!!

    Thanks for linking up this week at the bird depot.

  20. They are such beautiful birds!

  21. Love, love, love Waxwings. Only one way too early morning sighting of the Cedar Waxwings here last Thursday and the images are awful! Happy week~

  22. Lovely images Andrew! I love seeing these birds as we don't have them in Australia.
