Sunday 25 November 2012

Juicy red berries................................................... a favourite food for wildlife

I had a short walk this lunchtime to enjoy the sunny weather that wasn't expected.

I intended walking alongside Witton Brook but saw a small flock of Waxwings over on Marbury Lane to the right of this image.

Blackbird (Turdus merula)
By the time I had reached the spot the Waxwings had flown but at least I had seen them through my binoculars and had a record shot... my first for two years.

This male Blackbird was feeding on the same berries as the Waxwings...

... and did his best to impersonate one.

A Grey Squirrel was feeding alongside one of the hides at Haydn's Pool.

I have been visiting Haydn's Pool for a few years and this was the first time there wasn't a bird on the water... and not a wader in sight.

Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
I saw this male Bullfinch as I made my way back towards Marbury Lane...

...he was also feeding on red berries.


  1. Love the blackbird! The yellow eye ring is too cool! And nice berry shots! It seems odd not to have anything on that water. It looks like a bird haven.

  2. beautiful blackbird, bullfinch and varmint, too!

  3. What a pitty you did not made a shoot of the waxwings! They are beautiful! But the pictures you have made for this post are even beautiful

  4. Some very nice photos there Andrew. I have no patience with birds i must admit. But i think i will have to try one day.

  5. Nice that your knee is better that you are able to take a short walk once again. The bullfinch is a very colorful guy.

  6. I stil haven't seent he Waxwings this year. I really like the picture with the berry in the balckbirds mouth, but not touching it's beak. From Findlay

  7. what a great treat for the birds. lovely views. ( :

  8. My favourite is the Bullfinch, he is beautiful. You have a nice walk, but not too much!

  9. Great Photos Andrew. Have a great week.

  10. The Blackbird, and Bullfinch are equally beautiful. I pretty much missed our Cedar Waxwings altogether this season...kind of bummed, but oh well, another time. I got a few in the early dawn hours, and will tuck in some better images to share on Tuesday...have to hide them...they are just that not so good;')

  11. Beautiful contrast with the black feathers and the red berries.

  12. These shots are way too cool! Love that bullfinch. I've never seen that one before.

  13. They do love red berries! :-) Lovely shots.

    Thank you for the 'wally close glasgow' tip, the tiles are gorgeous!

  14. Beautiful birds!

  15. the colors in these are fantastic, I love the reds and yellows... beautiful shots

  16. These are gorgeous photos, Andrew! Now I know what a Waxwing looks like!

  17. Had lots of lovely walks round here when I was younger. Over in Middlewich now.

  18. Great sequence, Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  19. Your photo of the berries really do look delicious. No wonder the birds and squirrels can't leave them alone.

  20. Reminded me much of home. Thank you ! Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  21. Outstanding captures! I always say - "find the berries and you'll find the birds" :)

  22. The image of the Blackbird with the berry is amazing. What a truly fabulous capture.


  23. That looks like such an inviting place. Nice shots of the blackbird and love that bullfinch.

  24. Awesome pictures, Andrew!
    Love the black bird the most... ;))
    Warm greetings, Anna

  25. That bullfinch is awesome. Boy those must be some good berries!

  26. The countryside looks great with the sunshine and blue sky and the bullfinch is especially beautiful.

  27. Nice post, great photos!
    Happy WBW to you!

  28. Nice Blackbird shots Andrew, and lovely light on the Bullfinch.

  29. That short walk - but a lot of nice pictures!
    The black bird, blue sky and red berries... wow!

  30. Beautiful birds, colours and of course - the lovely sunshine! Seems like we have had grey weather for a month now! Zzzzz...
    Greetings Pia

  31. Really like the Bullfinch. I think seeing them is always a highlight.

    If the truth be told I had not heard of Francolins before I got to Oman!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne

  32. Beautiful series love all the colours.

  33. What a really nice area to walk! Thank you for sharing your birds. Really nice images.

  34. Sounds like the red berry bushes are the go!! EVERYTHING seems to like them!!!

  35. Andrew what a lovely post.... those berries are a god send for just about everything arnt they
