Sunday, 18 November 2012

My garden squirrel................................................. stealing the birds peanuts

I hadn't seen a squirrel in my garden for over a week... when all of a sudden two come along at once.
I had filled the log feeder with a mixture of peanuts and suet and one of them was determined to eat the lot.

I had to laugh as every time the squirrel dislodged a peanut from the feeder he would hurl himself into the bushes that border my garden to enjoy his prize in peace... 3 times while I was watching.
 The birds were left to pick up the scraps.

Your Sunday Best


MadSnapper n Beau said...

had to laugh at the LEAP into the bushes with his stolen food. great video. hope your leg is better

Brian King said...

LOL! That's hilarious! Reminds me of a WWE wrestler coming off the top rope!

Ken Schneider said...

That little bandit is very determined!

TexWisGirl said...

the hurling into the bushes is too funny. your blackbirds are so handsome, too.

Pat said...

What a character! That is so funny!

Findlay Wilde said...

They are greedy and funny at the same time. Lovely video. From Findlay.

Magia da Inês said...

╮✿ °•.¸

Vi o vídeo e amei. O esquilo é bem esperto.
Boa semana!

✿ °•.¸

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Such cute, naughty squirrels;') My father-in-law loves watching them do basically the same thing you taped;') Happy week to you~

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos and wonderful video! It is very nice to see..

Mirta Lu said...

So, that explains the squirrels. You can find them wherever there is food for them. And I can see how determined that one really is. Even if the peanuts were not originally intended for them, regularly fill it up, if only for the reason that you can keep them from intruding your house. :D