Saturday 10 November 2012

Blakeney Point and Morston.................................. a boat trip to see the seals

A few years ago I had a short break in Norfolk and stayed for a few nights in Blakeney.

Arriving in Blakeney I had seen signs advertising boat trips to Blakeney Point to view the seal colony.
 I would make the trip the following morning.

The tide was out as I purchased my ticket so I asked where and when I would sail from only to be told I would have to travel to Morston for my trip... a 20 minute walk along the coast from Blakeney.

 I was a bit put out to say the least as there was no mention of Morston until I had handed over my money... at least the walk was a along a pleasant coastal footpath and in fine weather.

As I approached Morston it didn't look much better than Blakeney with the tide still out and boats high and dry on the mud.

I soon found the vessel I was to travel on and by the time all the other trippers had boarded the tide was coming in and we soon set sail.

As we passed the old lifeboat station (now a visitor centre) on Blakeney Point the sea spray meant I couldn't use my camera as much as I wanted but the waves had calmed as we reached the sandbanks and the seals.

 The seal colony at Blakeney is made up of both Common and Grey seals...and we got really close to them.
Some of my images of the seals are here: The seals at Blakeney Point

Linking to Your Sunday Best and Skywatch Friday


  1. can't wait to see those seal photos. it was well worth the walk to see them.

  2. Beautiful country! I like the blue building and the shot of the seals! Very nice!

  3. Andrew, I'll never forget, when on a school trip, walking all the way out to Blakeney point and then having to wade through the water on the way back as the tide was coming in!! A great place...looking forward to the Seal images...[;o)

  4. Worth the walk, I'd say. That sure is nothing we'd see in the middle of the the USA! I could, however, offer you a jeep ride among the bison.

  5. Andrew, looks like you had yourself a fun day of boating, sightseeing and lots of photography. Have great Remembrance Day.

  6. Wonderfull place.. I love.. Cheers!!!..

  7. I love the Seals, brilliant photographs.

  8. Great set of pictures - the walk reminds of the "price does not include tax" type of thing where it's never clear what you are going to pay!

    The seals look great.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog - I've been in Oman for a week hence slow reply!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  9. Very nice photos. I love the cool sign in the first photo.

  10. These are lovely!
    Thanks for sharing on YSB this week.

  11. Sorry I havn't commented on your blog for a while, I have been busy. Did you see any waders when the tide was out? I love your other posts I've missed. From Findlay

  12. What a beautiful coastal area! I love the photo with all the boats high and dry waiting for the tide.

  13. Brilliant scenery also you took Andrew.

    Nice info to read.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love that Visitor's looks to be a beautiful building. And looks like a fun place to walk.

  15. Love all your pictures, especially the seal colony! Thanks for taking us along on such a nice outing.

  16. Fantastic photography ~ worth the trip ~ love the seals ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  17. Love the different boats and the seals of course! Hope you are feeling better Andrew.

  18. Looks like a lovely place to spend time, Andrew! I do love the seals!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  19. Enjoyed the cyber touring of the seals. How cute are they?
    Way cute.
    Joyce M

  20. That footpath in enticing and I love the blue color of the visitor's center, but it's the seals who really won me over! Am off to see your other photos of them...

  21. Thanks for this informative post. I also liked the link to the great seal shots.

  22. Calling by from Skywatch Friday, what a wonderful opportunity to see the seals.
