Wednesday 21 November 2012

Back to work so no more garden birding during the week...............................

I have finally returned to work after all the problems with my knee... it's still swollen and I can't walk without feeling pain but it's a lot better than it was.
   I have a desk job so at least I'm sat down most of the time... and driving causes me no problems.

  One thing I will miss is watching the birds that visit my garden... the one thing that has kept me sane.

   Now it's dark when I get up in the morning and by the time I return home in the evening it's dark again.

Blue Tit.
I won't forget to keep the feeders topped up... and at least I have the weekend to look forward to.

 " Well you'd better get this one filled soon you numpty! "

I'm sure the birds would soon come knocking on my door if I didn't...
...remember this little Blue Tit on the door handle?


  1. Nice shots! One of the Tit species? Glad your knee has improved, but I know you'll miss the birds. Leaving for and arriving from work in the dark is no fun.

  2. i know what you mean Andrew, its a pain, only get to see my garden birds at the weekend as well, glad to hear your knee has improved, shame it means back to work!!

  3. oh, good to hear your knee has finally improved. 'numpty' is a cute word. :)

  4. i can sympathize with you on knee issues. i've been there plenty of times. guess we are all getting old. ha. ha!!

    great shots. ( :

  5. Glad your knee is on the mend, I hope it continues to improve.
    The blue tit is lovely, the movie of him trying to attract your attention is priceless.

  6. good to read Drew that you're finally back at work again. It is no fun 'convalescing' and I'm glad you did have your birds and camera to help pass the many weeks off. Enjoyed the sweet little video too; take care.

  7. That's why the Internet was invented! So we can see each other's birds when we're not able to see our own! Hope you have a speedy full recovery! Love your photographs.

  8. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  9. Look after your knee Andrew. The video says it all, "You keep a-knocking but you can't come in".

  10. Hi Drew, I am just scrolling through your posts (enjoyed the many wonderful photos!) and see how many I have missed! I was taking some time off for some other tasks. Hope your knee will soon be back to normal so that you can resume your outside walks.

  11. I am so happy you went back to work. hope that leg gets completely healed soon. when i worked the leaving in the dark and coming home in the dark was my least favorite thing about working

  12. I do love it when you post one of my all time favourite little birds. Great little video too with the tit obviously checking you out rather than fighting his own reflection.
    I've been looking at your older posts but cannot ascertain what the trouble with you knee was. Hope it is soon back to normal.

  13. Glad the knee is OK now. You were lucky to have those great visitors ...and we lucky you shared them. Those blue tits are charmers for sure!
