Monday 1 October 2012

The hole in my fence........................................................... is still being used

The birds are still using the hole in my fence to enter and exit my garden.

I often see them when I don't have the camera to hand... to capture these images a little bit of temptation was added.

I smeared the bottom of the hole with some suet and seed from one of the feeders...

Hey presto! within a few minutes I had some shots... first of the Robin...

...closely followed by a Dunnock.
Easily pleased my garden birds.


  1. Good thinking! What a little beauty.

  2. You can't beat a bit of bribery Andrew!
    Great shots...[;o)

  3. Lol love it - no holes in my fence - just had a new one built - was at the kitchen window earlier and there was a Sparrowhawk sat on the fence! First time I've seen one for real - what a thrill - as long as it doesn't catch my little coal tit!

  4. Awesome! Dont fix that hole. :)

  5. To dobrze, że masz tą dziurę w płocie, bo w niej widzisz śliczne ptaki. Urocze zdjęcia.
    It is good that you have this hole in the fence, because in it you can see beautiful birds. Lovely pictures.

  6. Looks like a perfect hang out spot!

  7. Great idea! I think you're gonna have to leave the fence as is now. They like using it too much.

  8. Necessity is the mother of invention! Great photos and love your 'catch' technique. Also, just caught the photos of the new addition to your family...just beautiful!

  9. Very very clever:) I like this idea. The Robin is such an adorable bird.

  10. Lovely way to tempt the birds in your garden.

  11. Great idea Andrew. I think that hole will have to stay.

  12. That's your little "bird" door. Lovely visitors!

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