Monday, 8 October 2012

A log feeder added to my garden.................................... and I made it myself

I have had some lovely birds on my bottle feeder this past couple of weeks... but it is made of plastic.
I decided I would try and make my own feeder... and make it look a little more natural.

 I started off with this piece of wood... and drilled a few holes in it.

 Stuffing the holes with suet and seeds from one of the fatballs.

I only had this old piece of computer lead to use as a hanger... a temporary measure for now.

A couple of twigs for perches...

Voilà... instant approval from my garden birds...

...who took no time at all trying it out.

...and a bit more pleasing on the eye than plastic.

Our World Tuesday


Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, how talented are you. around here we have little craft sales ... some one would definitely buy those for their birds lovers. (:

Amy Burzese said...

Now that's cool. I think I could do that!

Anonymous said...

Let me know when your website is up - Andrew' - I want to place an order. Well done my friend.

TexWisGirl said...

that's awesome! makes a great photo perch. :)

Jerry said...

Nice work Andrew - you certainly know how to spoil your birds.

Sharon Whitley said...

brilliant stuff - I wonder what your furry grey friend will make of it!!

Bob Bushell said...

And, it is remarkable what you can do. I hope it would be squirrel proof????

Findlay Wilde said...

Great feeder design. From Findlay

DeniseinVA said...

What a great idea, I love it Andrew. And your birds are enjoying their new feeder, love the photos too.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Keep those birdies happy whatever it takes : } Cute!!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! Mr. Squirrel, I'm sure, is in hiding just waiting to pounce!

BlueShell said...

Hi Drew...Long time see! Is your mom better, now? O hope so!

That is creative! A great Idea, I say! wonderful photos.
Congrats, my friend. Love

Gillian Olson said...

A great idea, and the birds seem to approve.

Liz said...

Well you see, even old computer leads have their uses. And the birds give it their instant approval!!