Friday 26 October 2012

A ground feeding bird gives my log feeder the thumbs up...............................

The Dunnock is a bird that spends much of it's time hopping on the ground or in vegetation.

Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
I have seen them on the hanging feeders before but it is a rare sight... they usually make do with the scraps below.

 So it was a pleasant surprise to see one on my home made log feeder this morning looking as confident as one of the more acrobatic visitors... this little Blue Tit who was the next bird to land for a feed...

... and yes they do like to eat the food I put out.

I have also seen the Robin on the log but have yet to capture a photo... I will keep trying to get one.


  1. Like you say Andrew, unusual to see the Dunnock on a feeder. Good capture.

  2. and a fine log it is, I am thinking they will put out the word to the birds about it

  3. i'd say you got a 'wing's up!' sign on that log feeder (as opposed to thumb's up.)

  4. Beautiful bird pictures Andrew! Cheers, Ruby

  5. I love your feeder, everyone ought to have one.

  6. hi there, Andrew. why, i love blogging ... i get to see all sort of great birds that i would not normally get to see. so great. love the colors. so neat! take care. (:

  7. Hola Andrew, en primer lugar quiero darte la bienvenida a mi blog y segundo felicitarte por esas impresionantes fotografias, son magníficas. Saludos.

  8. ▒✿▒✿▒✿✿彡
    ▒✿ Olá, amigo!
    Amei... como sempre, fotos lindas.
    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.

  9. These are wonderful shots. They seemed to pose for you.

  10. Your log feeder is a big success! Plus it makes for cool photos. Nice shots!
