Monday, 17 September 2012

When hoppy met hoppy....................................................................................

I have been back to the Doctors this morning about my knee as my calf has been swelling up as well.
Guess what they don't think the two are connected... two ailments in the same leg at the same time... and it's so sore.

My knee is down to a damaged cartilage/ligament but I have to go for a scan on my calf as it's a suspected DVT!!!

The reason for the frog pictures... it's the first one I have ever seen in my garden and it happened this morning.
 I have lived here for over 7 years... and after watching it "hopping" around I am hoping it won't be too long before I am doing the same...just a little bit slower.

Our World Tuesday


MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry about your leg, unreal to have two things wrong with one leg. handsome frog, hope you are hopping soon

The Herald said...

Andrew, I hope the problems with your leg are not too serious and you are back to full hop, skip and jump mode soon, that frog needs someone to race with!!...[;o)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i am glad you went to the doctor's! i certainly hope the calf problem can be resolved soon!

barbara l. hale said...

Hoping for the best with the problems in your leg! I can sympathize a bit since I have bad knees and will have one replaced in October. I'm looking forward to it with great dread and great hope. Cute little frog, by the way!

Anonymous said...

All the best and hope the Dr. visits go your way! I really enjoyed these usual!

Sharon M said...

Nice frog! Hope you heal soon.

Adam Jones said...

Nice post Andrew. Hope your leg is on the mend soon.

Unknown said...

Love the frog!! Hope your leg improves. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

So sorry to hear about your leg, Andrew!! I do hope you get relief soon!! I do love your frog friend!! I'm sure he'll give you some great hopping lessons!! Take care and have a good week!

Fun60 said...

Let's hope the leg is back to normal asap. Good to see frogs in the garden. Do you have a pond for them or had they just popped round for a gossip?

Brian King said...

Sorry to hear about your "new" ailment! What's DVT? Excellent shots of the frog! Hope you begin mending soon.

Gillian Olson said...

Hope your knee improves and it doesn't turn out to be deep vein trombosis. I agree that two ailments in the same leg at the same time surely are related.

holdingmoments said...

Hope the leg soon gets better.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Scrolled down as I'm behind in my reading and saw the reference to sitting with your leg up. Just what you need, two problems in one, hooray! Sorry -- and hope by now you are feeling some better....(The other person who lives in this small space is right now sitting with his foot up much the same as you are -- because of gout...None of stuff is fun is it?)