Monday, 24 September 2012

Redesmere.................................................................. plenty of ducks to feed

It's pouring with rain and I am getting really fed up with lying down due to my bad knee.
There's not a lot going on in the garden so I have been going through some old images of a trip to Redesmere a couple of weeks ago.

Redesmere is a lake about 15 miles from home and is down a small lane just off the main road to Congleton.
A small promenade has been built at the southern end of the lake and it's a popular place for young families to come to feed the ducks.

 There were only a few cars parked when I arrived... plus the usual Ice Cream van.
It was so quiet and an elderly couple parked next to me were enjoying watching the birds from the comfort of their car... a quiet that was to end when I started to feed the birds.

First on the scene were these domestic geese...

...closely followed by the Mallards... with a mad squabble for food...

...which when thrown into the water brought utter chaos.

The birds are so used to seeing people they aren't shy at all.


...Tufted Ducks...

...and even the gulls let me get quite close with my camera.

This male Mallard looked henpecked as he trudged after his partner when it started to rain... maybe he'd had more than his fair share of the food.

As the rain became heavier the Ice Cream van left for home... but not before I had purchased one.
Redesmere...a lovely spot to visit.


Unknown said...

They sure aren't shy!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

holdingmoments said...

Must be one of the few places to be able to get to a Tufted Duck.

TexWisGirl said...

that's a mess of 'em, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am back home now and once again able to follow blogs. I went back in your posts trying to see what you did to your knee. Maybe not far enough. Well, these things take time at our age. Hope it gets better.

Wiesław Zięba said...

Waterfowl. Beautiful to observe and photograph. Nice.

Pantherka said...

Andrew, great place for families with children - because of feeding.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

I really like this place!!!.. A lot of ducks!!!.. So good!!!.. Regards

Bob Bushell said...

The geese and ducks all to get their bills fed, beautiful.

Adam Tilt said...

Looks like a great place Andrew. Hope you're back up on your feet really soon as can imagine your frustration at being kept inside.

Rohrerbot said...

Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by the number of ducks and geese that take over a space and when the geese get too close, it's time to jump ship:)

Adam Jones said...

It certainly is a lovely spot to visit. Great in the winter.
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson too. I'll help you wet the baby's head tonight.

Liz said...

WOW! So many all in one place!! Lovely shots.

Sylvia K said...

That is a LOT of ducks and they don't seem to mind the weather, lucky them!! It does look like a great place!! Oh, and congratulation on your new grandson!! Wonderful! Have a great weekend, Andrew!!

carol l mckenna said...

Every photo is a gem ~ what a place ~ carol, xxx

Congrats on your new grand son ~ Exciting!

Karen said...

Oh my gosh, love all the ducks!

Our photos said...

Lovely is your photos.
Greetings, RW & SK