Monday 3 September 2012

Probably my cutest garden visitor...................................... the Long-tailed Tit

I get a lot of pleasure feeding the birds in my garden and have many favourites... a few actually live here.

Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus).

If I had to choose one bird over all the rest it would have to be these little fellas.

A favourite bird since childhood they even appeared on a stamp for Nature Week during 1963.
 I was seven years old... and was then and still am a collector of little pieces of paper.

  They usually arrive in numbers when they descend on my garden.

A little ball of feathers with a tiny little beak... wasn't a hard choice to make.

Our World Tuesday
Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. I couldn't agree more, Andrew, they really are adorable!! Delightful captures for the day!!

  2. Sweet-looking birds. How nice they are regular visitors.

  3. As nice as pie, one of my favourite.

  4. They are cute birds, Andrew! Great shots!

  5. These little ones are just precious. I would love to have a family of them living here at our place. Their fat little bellies are so sweet. You are so fortunate to have such a dear group as residents. genie

  6. Agree with you they are so adorable even in their actions it would seem ~ Great photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) USA

  7. I agree wholeheartedly such cute little birds, I used to get a lot of them in my last garden but have moved this year and haven't had any yet in the new place - hopefully as winter draws nearer they may come. I get hoards of starlings and sparrows (and pigeons and magpies of course) but not a lot else yet!

  8. ...beautiful little birds indeed

  9. Beautiful little birds, love this series Andrew.

  10. a philatelist twitcher. sounds like some kind of illness.

  11. Oh, so sweet and fabulous! Gorgeous shots indeed.

  12. Lucky you to have such sweet neighbours!

    (No, I didn't park on the police reserved parking!)

  13. Ohhh I love those little birds with a little bit of pink in their feathers... they are so beautiful and you have capture them so well, Andrew!

  14. Nature week in 1963? Well that could account for my life long interest!

    Great little bird on the feeder - they always reminded me of animated balls of fluff!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  15. They are so adorable, Drew. They look like they've come right out of a children's picture book!

  16. Great visitors to your garden!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  17. What delightful little creatures Andrew, I would be thrilled to bits to get shots like these. I can't get over how different your feathered visitors and mine much as I love my Galahs and Corellas you cannot by any means call them adorable haha!

  18. Beautiful bird! I like the long tail and "skunk" stripe down their head!

  19. Such delicate and delightful little birds!

  20. I would love to get even one of these in our garden. We see them all the time near Haydns Pool but never in the garden. From Findlay

  21. Your birds always have such personalities (well, I suppose no more than any other birds, it's just that your photos show them so wonderfully!). Thanks.

  22. I love those tiny little beaks!

  23. Beautiful little birds and you are very fortunate to have them in your garden.

  24. Nice shots of the Long-tailed Tits Andrew. You are lucky to have them in your yard. I bet they are fun to watch. Little bundles of energy I imagine!
