Saturday, 22 September 2012

It's that time of year......................................... my garden blackbirds in moult

I haven't seen or even heard much from the Blackbirds recently so it was nice to see one in the garden today.

At first I thought he had some white feathers in his plumage but then I realised he was moulting.

He doesn't look too bad from this side...

...but it's a really bad hair day on this side.

It seemed happy enough... scratching around below the feeders looking for food...

...and finding plenty of grubs in the process.

It's been sunny all day and I have just sat with my leg up enjoying the comings and goings in my garden.

I have French doors that open onto my patio so I am just a few feet away from the action...
...these two were having a tiff over the seed.

It's was nice to see the Woodpigeon had a twinkle in his eye.


TexWisGirl said...

cute hoover. :)

Captain Shagrat said...

We gain so much joy from our feathered friends don't we... Funny human beings are we not

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Busy bird .. and cute in his disheveled state!

Míriam Luiza said...

Linda postagem! Gostei de ver os pássaros no seu jardim!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is some twinkle going on in the eye. glad you have all this to watch while resting

Pat said...

Nice show going on in your garden!

Carole M. said...

more nice birds in your garden snapshots Drew; take care.

Pia said...

It´s always nice to have birds in the garden!
Our blackbirds here are decimated due to a virus. Hope yours from the photo is ok.

Connie Smiley said...

You made me laugh about the bad hair day. Love that shot of the woodpigeon with light!

Noelle said...

Wow! Cool visitors. Those photos really made me laugh. Funny!

Noelle @