Sunday 23 September 2012

I still have my feet up................................................... but at least it's Sunday

I am now so fed up it's unbelievable... the pain in my knee is worse than ever.
At least I have my bird feeders to watch... and it's been so busy this morning.

My bottle feeder is proving a big hit with the small birds... and so far the squirrel is leaving it be.

 It is about 10ft from my settee... I really do have a seat in the front row.

 I have always had Coal Tit's in the garden but usually it's a quick in and out.
It has stayed for up to 30 seconds quite a few times... lovely to see so close up.

 House Sparrows have been in big numbers... 20 plus at times.

I was so amused watching this Blue kept tapping on the bottle...
 ...must have a spotted a favourite seed.

Blimey there all at it now... fussy little blighter's.

The Bird D'pot


  1. Doing some catch up, Andrew, and I'm so sorry to hear about your knee pain. Hope you can get some help for that. Nice of you to share with us anyway. I love your little Blue Tit. Would love to see one of those.

  2. oh no knee pain is one of the worst things! Really feel for you but glad the bird watching is some distraction. Lovely to see the coal tits, I've just painted one this morning after getting one on my feeders recently - he's there all the time, cute little fellow! Very impressed with the bottle feeder and great that the pesky squirrel is leaving it be, I'm sure he's busy planning way of getting at it though lol! Hope your knee soon recovers, take care

  3. Good that you have some entertainment Andrew.
    The feeder is lasting well.

  4. This is dragging on. get well soon or start looking for a scooter. I'd be back to the quack asking for some attention.

  5. such little cuties. they're giving you a show to keep you content. although it doesn't sound good with the knee...

  6. Great shots Andrew. You did well with the Coal Tits. They are so quick on the feeders. In and out.

  7. Enjoying the treat!

    Visiting from a little late from camera critters.
    Our Furr Babies
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  8. I'm sorry you're still laid up with the sore knee, but it is giving you a chance to get well acquainted with those delightful little garden visitors.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Great photos of all the little birds and so good to have a front row seat for all that action - but I do hope the knee improves soon!

  10. Fantastic birds!!! But, I do want one of those bottle feeders now!!! If it helps keep the squirrels at bay, I'm all for it!!!

  11. ...sorry, I nearly forgot to give thanks to you for sharing your birding link at the Bird D'Pot this week. I had to come back and tell you so

  12. sounds like your knee isn't going to give in in a hurry, maybe another trip to the doc coming up? Take care I'm sure you are doing what has to be done ... and having your birds so close, with your camera is a lovely pastime, that plus your computer. What would you do without the two?

  13. Glad you have access to the bird feeder. Hoping you feel better soon!

  14. Glad you have a nice show to occupy your time. Do take care of the knee.

  15. Keep your feet up. You do have the best seat around. Nice variety in your backyard. As long as you have someone to fill the feeder for you.

  16. Nice pictures you show.
    Can see that there are also blue tit where you live.
    Hanne Bente

  17. The colors on the mallard are so vibrant!

  18. That blue tit is my absolute favorite. I love that little guy -- why couldn't somebody have imported him instead of starlings? Keep getting better; be patient!
