Thursday 27 September 2012

Floods in town............................................. and my local canal has collapsed

Heavy rain for the last few days has been causing havoc throughout the UK.

This is the River Dane trying to flow into the River Weaver in the town centre... the Weaver is flowing so fast the Dane is just backing up.

This is the pedestrian subway under the busy main road through my town... waders needed.

This is a section of the Trent and Mersey canal... I spend a lot of my time walking here.

This image and the one above were taken just a few weeks ago... it's a lovely part of my local countryside.

This is the scene now... just a few hundred yards from the picture above the canal has collapsed.
Canals aren't supposed to have waterfalls.

It's going to cost a fortune to put right... and the forecast... more rain.



  1. wow, that's a lot of erosion. but with the amount of rain you've had this entire summer, i'm not too surprised!

  2. It must have been disaster, sad.

  3. Am I wrong or did the UK not have some flooding last year?

  4. Sad - and costly. We have had similar flooding. Is this the new weather pattern?

  5. Wow, we haven't had hardly any rain at all this summer, and there are areas more badly hit by drought than us. It's too bad there isn't some way to distribute surplus water. That damage looks very costly. The countryside though is amazingly beautiful.

  6. Wow! That's quite a stunning picture of the canal. Never seen that before. Still, probably not had as much rain as we did from Sunday to Wednesday.

  7. ...mother nature and her wrath - I guess she sees no obstacles in her path and expects all to remain as it was, without the man-made touches. Great photos Drew'

  8. Yep. A hurricane blew a hole in the C&O Canal in Maryland several years ago. The repair is still underway.

  9. That is some serious stuff. I can well imagine how long it will take to make repairs. Keep us updated. How is the knee?

  10. Oh, man, that's awful to see. You've had so much more than your fair share of rain there, and to see this beautiful place I remember so much from your photographs damaged like this is just a tragedy. Sending all good thoughts . . .

  11. Hope they managed to get it boarded up. How many narrow boats are stranded?

  12. Canals really are not meant to look this this are they. As you say, time and money are going to be needed there! And lost of both.

    Stewart M - Australia

  13. Those last two are amazing Andrew. Never seen a canal collapse like that before.

  14. Sorry about those floods, mother nature sure can do some damage at times! Richard from Amish Stories

  15. i am so sorry to see this, it was such a wonderful canal and i love those long thin boats. devastation for sure.

  16. WOW man thats a disaster....thats not so nice , there is a lot of work to do.

    greetings, Joop

    i like the boats in the mersey canal

  17. Gosh, that looks bad... I hope it stops raining soon and dries up a bit.
    We've got a lot of rain here too but not quite to the point of flooding yet.

  18. Oh, dear....this is really serious. The damage is terrible. It is going to take lots of work to get the canal back to where it was before the heavy rains. Your pictures are so pretty though some make me feel so sad. Glad our path was not washed away. genie
