Thursday, 20 September 2012

First birds on the new feeder.................... and guess who's had a closer look

It was bright and sunny first thing his morning as I watched out for the first birds trying out my new feeder.
(see my last post)

 It had started to rain when the first bird tried it out... a Blue Tit...

 ...closely followed by a Coal Tit.

 The Woodpigeon was having a smooch below waiting for titbits (sorry) to hoover up.

 There was even a queue building up in the bushes... at least the feeder is a success.
Now how long will it last with a bit more weight hanging from it?

It didn't take him long to have a closer look.

I was sat within ten foot of the feeder... bold as brass this squirrel.

Checking out the quality of seed me thinks!

A quick shake to see how it works... and to my delight not much is dislodged.

A seed tasting took place in comfort... then he was off... plan a raid when I'm not watching?



Elizabeth Edwards said...

such great views.

i really dislike those little squirrels. why, i stopped feeding our birds here. they are way to sneaky for my liking. not cool. ha. ha!! (:

Arija said...

Oh, how I love those tits. I do miss them here in Australia.
Your squirrel seems to be in excellent condition, looks like you are a generous host.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that little rascal is eating up your new feeder. i love the pigeon and the bird below it..

holdingmoments said...

I bet it won't take him long to suss out that new feeder lol

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Just caught up on your last couple post on the new feeder experiment! I have used a similar product in the past , but have not been able to find any for a couple of years!!
I did find that the squirrels had a hard time hanging onto the bottle, and it took a long time before they destroyed the plastic bottom by chewing it !! Hey it was cheaper!!
In your little video is so cute and Innocent looking, but ; } lol!!
Hope to get by more often..been sick, and to much going on ..grrr!

TexWisGirl said...

always good for some entertainment.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Those Squirrels sure are smart little buggers.

Flogistix said...

wow.... I agree also with you... squirrels have their own intellectual skills for survival..... nice
natural gas compressor

genie said...

Your guys will NOT give up....amazing. I am at home in bed with back spasms so am getting caught up on all of my favorite blogs. Bud is here with me and we and entranced with the bird feeder. Goggled it but did not find one like yours. We are determined to build one of our own. The bird shots are awesome. You must have one fabulous lens or else the birds think you are a bird, too, and are not fearful. Love the post. genie

HansHB said...

Nice serie of photos, - a lot to see!

Unknown said...

Great post. I hope you enter him in the next Olympics. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Photo Cache said...

I don't recall being here before. Thanks for taking us in your walks. What lovely shots.

Kay said...

You have so many species of birds. We only have a few here. I see more different ones when I go hiking in the mountains though.

Anonymous said...

What a great post...I really got a laugh out of your friend. It will be interesting to see how this progresses.

Gillian Olson said...

The birds are so cute and delicate, the squireel is just diabolical. You need a titanium clad feeder me thinks.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - the "titbits" is funny - no need for apologise!

Stewart M - Australia

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love those squirrel shots.

Come and see my Sky Shots when you get a chance. Your comment will sure add a delight.
Have a great weekend.

Skye said...

Funny how squirrels are squirrels no matter where ya live! We have those same devilish grey squirrels here that fight to get into every last bird feeder around!! :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A brilliant mornings shoot Andrew, love the Blue Tits, delightful little birds. The squirrels look cute too but I can see how they'd be a pest.

Connie Smiley said...

Very funny--at least when he's on someone else's feeder!