Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Birds from the Hide.................................................................. printed in 1933

I purchased an old book a few months ago and it had until this week lain on my bookshelf unread... was printed in 1933.
I can't remember how I came across it... it may have been while I was searching for a portable hide of my own or may have been recommended by a fellow blogger.

As I am off work with my bad knee I have found some time to look through it.

It contains sixty three black and white photographs which are amazing given the era they were taken.

The opening chapter refers to a sighting of a Bittern in 1911... a scarce bird then as now but thanks to conservation a bird that is on the increase in the UK.

The writer used all sorts of wonderful hides (blinds) to get close enough to take these fantastic shots.
No high powered lenses and cropping on the computer in those days.

A list of all the birds photographed...the images are together at the back of the book.
 Fourteen chapters tell the tale of where and how the images were captured... it's a pleasant read.


Water Rail
I have scanned a few of the images to share... the writers fieldcraft is amazing.
I am still in the process of reading the book so I might discover more about the photo equipment used.

Long-tailed Tit feeding it's young... Long tailed Titmouse in the 1930's

It made me smile when I saw this hide... to think of the trouble people go to with camouflage these days...
...and at great expense.

Many thanks for all your lovely comments on the birth of my Grandson.
I have passed on your best wishes to his proud parents.



holdingmoments said...

Got to admire the fieldcraft of yesteryear.

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful photographs. I am greeting

ADRIAN said...

I'm seriously thinking of hide building.....leave it alone for a week with food outside and bingo. The large format camera can be fired. perfect images without the ten grand for a lens.
The baby.....I'm not a looks like a baby. Congratulations.

Liz said...

It sounds like an interesting book!
And congratulations on the birth of your grandson... may you have many wonderful memories!!

TexWisGirl said...

you do have to appreciate those photos from 1930s. :)

arthur is a precious child. so sweet.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i saw a baby bundled like this on another blog and she said it was a 'baby burrito" so sweet

Bob Bushell said...

That is a wonderful book, would be a book for field.

Pantherka said...

It is interesting ...
Andrew, congratulations on the birth of a grandson!

Sharon M said...

I love those old photos, but wow, that is one cute newborn.

Carole M. said... old book, and a new baby; what a combo Drew! I know the new baby has stolen the show already; precious little being. Well done; nice post (the book does have some great photographs).

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Well..I guess catching up on your reading is one benefit of being laid up....and wow did you find a wonderful book! Those scanned photos are amazing....

The baby is adorable....but you already knew that ;>) sweet.

Anonymous said...

I love old books and this looks wonderful. You are right about the quality of the photos! And all best wishes to you and your family on the new addition!

Horst in Edmonton said...

Cute little fellow, congratulations.

Those old cameras did a lot of good work and are still used. The only problem is film is hard to find these days.

Gillian Olson said...

Amazing old pictures. Your grandson is adorable.

Gary Jones said...

The book looks a great read, and congratulations on your new Grandson

Nancy said...

Arthur is precious! Congrats Grandpa.

Carletta said...

The book sounds wonderful Andrew but Arthur steals the show today!
Such a cutie already!!

genie said...

What a fabulous find. When I first stated reading I had no clue a to what a hide was so am glad you told us it was a blind. I like that last one. The pictures are out of this world I know you are thrilled with your book. genie

Vores have said...

Hope it goes well with your grandson ..... where is he loves.
Wish you a good Sunday :)

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