Wednesday 8 August 2012

Sir Bernard Lovell has passed away aged 98.......... Jodrell Bank is his legacy

Sir Bernard Lovell passed away on Monday at the grand old age of 98.
Jodrell Bank radio telescope his brainchild was the subject of one of my early blog posts.
 It's just up the road from where I live... set in the lovely Cheshire countryside.

Jodrell Bank is his legacy.

As a teenager I worked for a firm that made hydraulic hoses ... every few weeks a guy came in with a burst hose wanting a new one made up to pattern... he always announced himself as Sir Bernard Lovells "assistant" with an air of authority.
That memory has stayed with me down the years and even though I never met the great man I feel I was involved in helping scientists discovering whats out there.. well sort of.

Sir Bernard Lovell 1913 to 2012

I have added a link to that earlier post below... it has links to other sites if you are interested.
Jodrell Bank Cheshire


  1. quite the impressive structure. rather 'an eye to the sky'.

  2. Sir Bernard left a great legacy for all of us didn't he? Thanks for sharing this Andrew and I will look at the links you provided.

  3. A lovely tribute to Sir Bernard Lovell, died too early, another 2 years would have 100 years old, what a shame.

  4. Sounds like he had a magnificent brain. May he rest in peace.

  5. Right to the end he looked fine in his coat, vest and tie. Makes me think I should have a few nice pictures of myself in a coat, vest and tie on hand for when my time comes.

  6. What a wonderful, interesting legacy!

  7. °♡彡¸.°

    Um lindo dia, com muito sol, saúde e paz!!...
    Beijinhos do Brasil.


  8. Beautiful tribute ... his great work.
