Thursday, 9 August 2012

Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit,........................................................... Run! Run! Run!

 I had a stroll around Marbury Country Park a few evenings ago... it's a quiet place during the week with only a few dog walkers around.

 I got a good telling off for disturbing the mallards down by the lake.

I sat for ages watching theses rabbits as they emerged from the undergrowth.
It's so different at the weekend with families and cyclists joining the dogs off a lead brigade... you are very lucky just to catch a glimpse of a rabbit then.

I got quite close...

...but they were off in a flash at the slightest movement.

I must try to catch them on video.
A pest to many but a lovely wild animal to watch in my opinion.



Amy Burzese said...

Oh, all those bunnies are so cute!!!

TexWisGirl said...

wow, that's a bunch of 'em! like the mallard, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are amazing, i have never seen even one rabbit like this and dozens just makes want to see them. wow.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i've never seen so many bunnies all together like that. i guess i always assumed that they just enjoyed being by themselves. what a great moment to capture, Andrew. that is so wonderful. love the views. enjoy your day. (:

Dina J said...

They really are cute! I love that duck pose as well.

EG CameraGirl said...

The photos of the mallards telling you off are very funny! It's amazing how close you were able to get to the rabbits.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I like the headless one-legged duck. Also the Pink Floyd reference.

barbara l. hale said...

I love your picks of the rabbits. We have a few around this year but when the population builds up, we have an animal called a Fisher Cat (not a cat at all, more like a wolverine) that comes in and wipes out the population of small animals. I'm glad seeing the rabbits this year.

Unknown said...

Wow here they'd be part of lunch for a four legged critter. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Rohrerbot said...

There are a ton of rabbits!!! Cool shots!

eileeninmd said...

How cute, I do not think I have ever seen so many bunnies together. Great sighting. the mallards shots are cute too. Wonderful photos, Andrew!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love rabbits -- have never seen so many at one time -- wonderful.

Gillian Olson said...

Great capture of the Mallard! I really like watching the rabbits too, you've got a very cute bunch there.

Brian King said...

Great shots of the duck! It does look like she was scolding you. That's a lot of rabbits! I normally don't see that many at one time.

Hilke Breder said...

Great shots of the rabbits! It's rare to see one here; must be the coyotes that hold them in check. Love the mallard.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

WoW!! i haven't seen that many bunnies in one place since i was a little kid!!
i LOVE that second mallard shot!!!

Liz said...

Beautiful images. Happy sky watching.


Anonymous said...

I must have 5 that frequent my yard to eat my flowers. But they are still cute!

Pat said...

I like the three horizontal layers in your first photo with the gray of sky and water above and below and the lush green countryside in the middle.

And the rabbit is so cute! We have the problem of deer eating everything on our property except for strong-tasting herbs and mint. But they are cute!

Susan Scheid said...

Great pics! You are mentioned over my way, in the post just up. My photo of a robin is not a patch on yours, to be sure, but I did think of you and your garden full of birds. Such a paradise it is!

Stewart M said...

Not really meant to say this living in Australia - but I like rabbits! Shame they do so much damage here.

Stewart M - Australia

Pantherka said...

Andrew ... beautiful.

Connie Smiley said...

Such a lovely place that must be. I love your shots of the mallard and the rabbits.