Saturday 4 August 2012

Olympic Football....................................................................... Japan v Egypt

One of the Olympic Football quarter finals was in Manchester today... about a mile from where I work.
The game was between Japan and Egypt at Old Trafford the home of Manchester United.
As you all know the games are being held in London (over 200 miles away) but the football tournament is taking place at stadiums throughout the UK.

I had been given tickets at work.

70,000 plus people watched the match live in the stadium... and the rain held off.
It was a nice afternoon... I will share more images tomorrow.


  1. Hi Andrew...and you didn't get lost in all that crowd?? lol
    How exciting for you to have this opportunity!!

  2. I wouldnt go near that

    Glad yopu were able to be a part of it Andrew, well done.

    Now you are back at home you need to decomtaminate so have a thorough wash down and throw your clothes away.
