Wednesday 22 August 2012

Not put off by the damaged feeder...................................................................

I taped up this squirrel damaged feed a couple of weeks ago and hoped for the best.

Coal Tit
(A) That the birds would still use it.... and after a couple of days they did.

Blue Tit

Goldfinch (taken through my window)

And (B) that the squirrel would struggle to remove the taped on perches.

So far so good... although he still manages to remove the lid...

...and tip out some of the seeds to feed on.
The rest of my garden wildlife seem so polite in comparison.

" No! no! you were here first... I will wait my turn".


  1. i love love love the shot of the squirrel with his tail hanging down for balance. he looks like he is saying to you, I am here and nothing you can do about it. glad the tape worked

  2. All my feeders have been replaced by metal ones because of the feisty little red squirrel lady who visits.

  3. Love them all, but squirrel is awesome!

  4. Your goldfinch is a beautiful bird! Colored quite differently than ours. Tree rats are not easily deterred! Good luck, though!

  5. That is funny, good old squirrel.

  6. Great post Andrew...but you won't win!![;o)

  7. You are an optimist. Love the little birds. I have a new squirrel problem here they are eating the almost ripe figs off my tree and just leaving a little bit of stem and fig so that I know they have been around.

  8. Nice series! Those darn squirrels!!! But that's a great shot of the squirrel on the crook.

  9. Great captures and wonderful captions. I'm waiting for all the birds to gang up on that squirrel one day. I so hope your camera is ready!

  10. Andrew, another amazing images and your chat ... It is not a mistake.
