Wednesday 4 July 2012

The Song Thrush in my garden......................................... is enjoying it's stay

I have had this Song Thrush in my garden for a few weeks now.
I hear it singing from the roof tops most days... early in the morning and when I get home from work

It forages in my garden.

I will miss it when it's gone.


  1. A lovely bird Andrew! Had a Song Thrush in my garden this morning, the first for many months.
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  2. Beautiful Thrush Andrew, yes it will be sad to see him go.

  3. speckled-y chest ... awesome color. love it. such a cutie. (:

  4. A lovely songster. We haven't seen one in the garden for many years.

  5. You had a nice visit Andrew. You enjoyed the beautiful singing ...

  6. Great pictures and a lovely bird. Bird song is such a treat.

  7. Great shots of a cool little bird! The spotted front is nice. Love the shot with the worm!

  8. your song thrush is certainly making the most of it's time spent in your garden (and so are you Drew).

  9. The song thrush seems to have found a proper home,too,for its nestlings. So you have something to look forward to! Enjoyed your lovely pictures and post, Drew.

  10. i love the polka dotted breast feathers and that last one is really good, i can see the details of the worm it is having for breakfast.

  11. I can almost hear him singing in that one photo Andrew! Lovely post.

    I am having fun catching up on posts I missed while on our roadtrip.
