Friday, 27 July 2012

Last weekends wanderings........................................ and the Olympic Games

A few more images from last weekends walk along the River Weaver.
This is my little piece of Great Britain.
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games starts in our lovely countryside.
I hope it's huge success as it's been done on a tight budget... it won't be as brash as Beijing but 15000 volunteers will be doing their best in front of an audience of billions.

A quick update about Mum... her operation has been postponed ...again.
She is still in hospital and hoping it may still take place in the next few days... Me?
I feel so helpless but all your kind words have helped... thanks for that.

Scenic Sunday


Mike Mottram said...

I hope all goes well Andrew.

TexWisGirl said...

i am so sorry for you and your mom. my prayers for her to get this over with!

Horst in Edmonton said...

Hope your Mum gets her surgery soon and that all goes well. Take care. I know what it's like to wait for surgery. It sucks.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

please know your Mom & You are both in my prayers. big big hugs. i love pics 5 & 6. all are such great views. (:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's just not right!

barbara l. hale said...

Beautiful photos. Love the herons.

Shaun said...

Hi Andre, it is a beautiful occasion that our country can hose such a prestigious event. I wish all well who are visiting (me, he ) and all those taking part.

Take care, have a nice weekend

Joop Zand said...

Nice shots Andrew.....wish your Mum all the best !

greetings, Joop

Carole M. said...

beautiful photographs, I especially like the bridge, and the heron in flight. Hospital systems are frought with angst unfortunately; understaffed, low on finances, running tight; you witness it all when you're involved on a patient level. While your Mum is kept there at least she is being supervised and hopefully her surgery will be re-scheduled very soon. Best wishes...

Michelle said...

Sorry about your mom. It always seems more difficult when things get postponed.

Brian King said...

That's too bad about the postponement. Hopefully, soon.

I heard the opening ceremonies were a big success! Congrats!

Love the photos, especially the heron and that bridge! Beautiful countryside.

Bob Bushell said...

Hope that your mum is better soon. The pictures are superb.

Wenche said...

Great shots, have a nice weekend :0) !

Pantherka said...

Amazing photos.
I am thinking of your mother.