Monday 9 July 2012

Haydn's Pool on Sunday.......................... Reed Warblers and meeting Findlay

Last November I posted about a visit to Haydn's Pool.
I had a chance meeting with a local guy whose young son had a passion for bird watching.
I really enjoyed their company and mentioned them on my blog that day.Haydn's Pool November

Bald bloke at Haydn's Pool... it was a quick visit on Sunday.

The wet weather we have had recently meant the islands and shore of the pool were thick with foliage which gives the birds plenty of cover... but isn't ideal for bird watching.

I had only been there for a few minutes when guess who turned up... the young lad and his dad.
His name is Findlay and his enthusiasm was still infectious... lovely to see.

We shared viewing this Reed Warbler together.
This morning I received an e-mail from Findlay... he has started his own birding blog.


Findlays surname is Wilde... his blog is called Wilde About Birds... it couldn't be anything else.
A link to it here: 

This is my post for this weeks World Bird Wednesday... it would be nice if you could visit Findlays blog and comment to give him some encouragement... little guys like him are our wildlife's future.


  1. Wonderful shots, Andrew, and how nice you've made new friends! Thanks for the link - I'll go take a look now!

  2. he's an adorable young fellow. :)

  3. such a delightful post and I loved teh warbler photographs and your inclusion of Findlay also. Will go visit his blog and leave a comment; yes we certainly need to encourage youngsters like him every bit we can.

  4. I love meeting up with new blogger friends. Very interesting bird you have there. Even better is that birding is shared with the younger generations:)

  5. Great to see a new birder in the making!

  6. Cute guy. Hopefully his interest in birds will balance his interest in birds.

  7. Great Reed Warbler pics Andrew.

    It's good to see that at least one of our younger generation is taking an interest and with his father's and your encouragement I'm sure he'll stick with it. Our nature needs the younger generation they're it's future guardians...[;o)

  8. Hi Andrew...He is a hair and freckles, and teaming with enthusiasm!!
    What a coincident to meet up again at the same place with the middle aged bloke lol!! ; }

  9. the warbler is wonderful and Findlay is adorable.

  10. very cute picture of the warbler. I enjoyed Findlay's blog too :) Cheers, Ruby

  11. Good story Andrew. It's great to get them started young into nature.

  12. THANK you so sister is a good girl.
    Yes...I'll pay a visit to him, right now!

    An hug from this friend of yours,

  13. Oh.... sorry...I was almost forgetting to say that your photos are always!

    You are a true artist!


  14. Great images!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River Canada.

  15. Love your shots of the Reed Warbler! Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

  16. Nice Reed Warbler, and the bald man and Finlay.

  17. A great WBW post, - lovely to see!

  18. Always nice to meet a new and young birder. Great shots of the Reed Warbler.

  19. how nice. :) Both bird and boy. I hope he will have a greattime with birding.

  20. Great photos of the birds and so good to see a younger birder!

  21. It's such a beautiful pond and you are a great birding and blogging mentor! I'll go look. You are right, we need to get kids enthusiastic about birding and wildlife.

  22. I come from a family of freckle faced redheads, Findlay would fit right in! I will look forward to reading about what he sees and thinks. Yay you, for encouraging.

  23. What a wonderful post with wonderful shots! I'm off to visit Findlay!

  24. Great story I will be sure to drop by his blog.

  25. Great pictures you show. Hanne Bente

  26. Hi, again...GOOD MORNING!
    I have got something to tell you:
    Today it is my 25st weeding anniversary!-...I Praise the LORD...
    We have gone through so much...BUT WE ARE still here...with so much love...
    His cancer seams to be gone...and he is here with me. We do not have children...I could not get we live to each other...laughing...crying...being silly...and being in love...
    I praise the LORD for He is LOVE...and I'm so glad that I can't help spreading the news...

    God Bless you and your family Drew!

  27. Beautiful bird photos. And, I love to read that a young man such as Findlay is interested in birding. I will stop by and visit his Wilde about Birds!!

    Wood Stork

  28. Beautiful Andrew, you had a nice visit.

  29. The foilage cover for the birds may have made it difficult, but you managed some great shots Andrew!!
    Thanks for the link to Findlays blog... I'm on my way over there now!! :)

  30. Findlay is fortunate to have been introduced to nature so young! I bet he'll be a life-long birder!

  31. Neat bird, and great to hear that you inspired a new birder blogger!

  32. Lovely shots of a lovely little bird.

  33. Great shots ... beautiful bird, new to me.

  34. Lovely photos Andrew, and little Findlay is a awesome kid! I will go over to see him!

  35. First off Findlay is adorable, and secondly the little bird captures are just the sweetest~
