Monday, 30 July 2012

Buzzard over my garden..................................................................................

I have seen buzzards over the garden a few times over the years but it's been getting more frequent recently.
Yesterday I heard one calling quite clearly and was surprised at how low it was as it circled above my house.

I live quite close to the town centre so it's not a bird I expect to see often from the garden... never mind this close.

I had plenty of time to grab a few images then just watch it glide around through my binoculars.
A beautiful bird to see up close.

Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

A quick update about Mum... she came home today after spending five days in hospital without having her operation although this was the closest to having it done so far as she did make the operating theatre before the anethetist decided her potassium levels were too high to proceed.
 As it stands it has been rearranged for next week... again many thanks for all your kind words and best wishes.

Wild Bird Wednesday
Our World Tuesday


TexWisGirl said...

oh, andrew. i am sorry, once again... your poor mum!

maybe the buzzard will help you with the squirrel troubles you have. but i doubt it - mine never do...

Sharon Whitley said...

wow from wood pigeons to buzzards! They are fascinating birds aren't they - Gary's been trying to get a decent flight shot of one for some time now - got to see one in a falconry show yesterday - soon to be posted on my blog

Brian King said...

Your buzzards are what we call hawks. Our buzzards are not nearly as handsome. Very nice flight shots!

I certainly hope your mother's surgery finally goes as scheduled next week! Best wishes to her!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i missed the post about your mum, so not sure what kind of operation but from this can tell there is problem with it. I do hope she is doing ok and can get the operation she needs. buzzards are so ugly on the ground and in the air they are magnificent. we watch them soaring a lot here, in groups. lots of road kill for them to clean up.

Ruby said...

Amazing flight pictures. I hope your mum gets well soon, Andrew. Cheers, Ruby

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

sorry to hear about your mum...and the rescheduling...i'm not sure what it's all about, but i do hope it all works out.

as far as the buzzard...WOW...yours sure are a lot prettier than ours. looks like a hawk!! our buzzards are mostly black, dark gray.

terrific shots! i have a hard time getting good pic's of birds as they're flying.

Scriptor Senex said...

Sorry your Mum has to go through it all again.

We get buzzards over our house in Oensby all the time - I love to hear them mewing away. But never as low as yours just came.

barbara l. hale said...

MAgnificent bird! Hoping things go well for your mother!

Bob Bushell said...

Your poor mum, another a week waiting?
I love the Buzzard, it can come round at any time.

Sylvia K said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Mum! The waiting is never easy and certainly no fun! I'm holding good thoughts for both of you, Andrew!

Your photos for the day are beautiful and I love the bird in the air! Take care!

The Herald said...

A great bird to see close up Andrew, they make flying look so effortless!...[;o)

Your poor mum, she must be totaly fed up with hospitals by now? I hope it all goes fine for her next week.

Unknown said...

Great shots. Give your Mom our best. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

DeniseinVA said...

So sorry to hear about your Mum being in hospital Andrew. I do hope she won't have to wait too long before she gets her needed operation. I wish her the very best and I will be thinking of her. My father-in-law is in a rehabilitation hospital right now recovering from a broken leg but at 92 seems to be recovering quite well.

eileeninmd said...

Awesome shots of the buzzard in flight! Thanks for sharing!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Fantastic shots ~ of buzzard ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Carole M. said...

wow not only did you manage a couple very photographs of the buzzard, but also viewing time with your bins too! All good wishes to your Mum; it sure can be a waiting game and tests everyone's patience along the way. Take care.

Giancarlo said...

Fotografie molto belle! Felice giornata a te...ciao

holdingmoments said...

Great garden tick Andrew.

Hope your mum gets sorted soon. Must be very stressful for her.

Stewart M said...

Hope that your mum gets things sorted soon.

Am I correct in thinking there has been a bit of a growth in the population of buzzards in the UK in the last 15 years?

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Black Jack's Carol said...

Oh, my goodness! A week waiting and nothing yet resolved for your Mum. Our thoughts and good wishes are with her! i found your buzzard shots very interesting. i wonder if they serve somewhat the same purpose as turkey vultures here. Both are beautiful flyers, but your buzzards' faces are more attractive than those of our vultures.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello Andrew, just dropped in from Grammie's Ramblings (Grace) and sorry about you mother's latest cancellation and can well imagine her frustration and yours as well. Hope things are resolved without too much more waiting for all of you. I enjoyed the recent postings of birds in and around your yard. The buzzard was certainly more attractive than many I have seen.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Andrew, my best wishes for your Mom and I hope she is better soon.

I have to admit I have never seen a buzzard until this post. These are fantastic shots and so detailed. I don't think, however, I would like them circling above my house :)

HansHB said...

Great photo for WBW!
All the best to your mum!

Adam Jones said...

Great in flight shots of the Buzzard. Best wishes to your Mum.

mick said...

Beautiful in-flight photos. Best wishes to your Mum.

Vores have said...

Beautiful pictures of the buzzard :)

Fjällripan said...

Great flight shots of the buzzard!! All the best for your mum :)

Unknown said...

Just wonderful! Great captures, Andrew.

TheChieftess said...

some great captures!!!

Larry said...

Nice shots of the Buzzard Andrew! All the best to your Mum!