Friday, 20 July 2012

Another little favourite in my garden................................................................

My garden Robin... loves to pose on the fence.

These images were all taken just a few feet from my french windows... the Robin is becoming quite tame.
Maybe I can repeat my video clip from a couple of winters ago and get it feeding from my hand.

I have added that moment just in case you haven't viewed it... always makes me smile.


The Herald said...

Great images Andrew, It's always nice to see a Robin around the garden.

You just need to get this one to feed from your hand now!!...[;o)

TexWisGirl said...

he is a cute little poser! :)

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Cute Bird!!.. I love it.. Greetings!!!..

holdingmoments said...

Great little characters Andrew.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

such a pretty bird. orange breasted. you are like the "bird man" ... hey, it may have only been for a second or two but you got the little one in your hand. so cool. glad you linked up for FF. have a good weekend. (:

Horst in Edmonton said...

Your Robins are such cute little guys. Great photos Andrew. Have a wonderful weekend.

Gillian Olson said...

Great robin shots, they are adorable birds. Hadn't seen the video before, thanks,

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww, he's a cute one!

Gary Jones said...

Great shots of the Robin, well done Andrew

Sharon Whitley said...

Aah lovely robin shots - reminds me that I need to get some Christmas card robins painted in time for Christmas aaarrgh!!!

Carole M. said...

they're delightful and I well remember that video and watched it many times and yet again today. How trusting; was that the first time it had fed from your hand I wonder? Such a beautiful bird. Do you offer them meal-worms?

Anonymous said...

The bug-in-the-beak photo is my favorite. Cute little guy.

Rohrerbot said...

I'd love to see this bird around my garden:)

Lisabella Russo said...

I love the photographs, they're utterly charming and seeing that little bird eating from your hand was amazing!

Brian King said...

Your robins are beautiful little birds!

Jan n Jer said...

Wow...what a thrill to have this cute robin feed from your hand! Nice clip!

Susan said...

Cute little thing. Our robins are much bigger and a little different looking than yours. Awesome that it came and ate from your hand!



Scriptor Senex said...

I remember that video from last time around. Wonderful. Mine come as close as yours in the garden but never so close as to feed from the hand. But there is a chap at Arrowe Paek on the Wirral who has managwed it regularly.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots of him Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Great photos of the robin. I remember that video bit it is certainly worth watching again.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The little robin has such cute little poses! The red/orange is so striking in contrast with the grey! Beautiful photos!

Pat said...

Adorable little bird!

Anni said...

The color of the breast on this cute bird is terrific. Fantastic images Andrew.

Liz said...

Gorgeous shots of the little Robin. What a cute little fellow! That video is something... it's wonderful!!