Friday, 15 June 2012

Wood Mouse in my garden.................................... cleaning up after the birds

I was trying to capture my garden Song Thrush a few nights ago when I spotted the Wood mouse that lives under my garden shed searching for scraps of food below the bird feeders.

I managed to stay still for quite a while and he came within a few feet of me of me.

He seemed very calm as he looked for food ... but was off in a flash at my slightest movement.

Luckily for me the noise of the camera shutter didn't appear to bother him... just as it hadn't a week ago.

Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus).

I have already mentioned this is not the mouse that enters houses and causes damage.

It is Britain's most common and widespread mouse.
A very energenic animal it is usually only active at night.... but not in my garden.
The Wood Mouse does not hibernate but can go into a similar inactive (torpid) state in order to conserve energy.  They live in burrows underground (mine live under my garden shed) ... I enjoy watching them foraging under my bird feeders.

 They really are quite cute... I took this last image a few years ago...the last time I saw more than one.

A Note:
The problem mouse in the UK is the House Mouse (Mus musculus).
It is a species that arrived from Asia and is classified as a pest.
This is the mouse that causes damage to property by gnawing cables, skirting boards and ruining food supplies with droppings and urine. It can also carry disease and parasites.


Silvina Soave said...

hermosas capturas, la verdad que me resulta bonito el ratón!! Hermoso tu blog.Saludos!!

Arija said...

What a joy to have wild woodland creatures living under your shed and being so amenable to your presence and camera.
I have visions of Reepicheep wielding his sword or Beatrix Potter creations. Their cousins, the field mice of Wind in the Willows also spring to mind.
You seem to be loving in your own fairyland Drew. Lucky you!

John said...

Lovely photos Andrew of an animal that I haven`t seen in my garden, although my parents have a couple in their garden, imaginatively named Mickey and Minnie!

TexWisGirl said...

i ADORE these wood mice! i hope he sticks by so you can continue posting him. he's cuter than your varmint squirrels!

HWIT BLOGG said...

So cute! And really good pictures!
Love your blog...
Take care and have a nice weekend,

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Wood Mouse, isn't it.

Anonymous said...

TexWisGirl echoed my thought. These guys are cute and I like those large beady eyes. Would much rather have them in my yard that squirrels.

Adam Tilt said...

Love these Andrew. Been absolutely ages since I saw a mouse.

Dimple said...

It is cute.
I can't imagine a mouse not invading my living space, but I will take your word that this kind doesn't...
Wonderful photos!

grammie g said...

HI Andrew..Sorry I haven't been by sister is still with me, so spending time with her!!
I just went through your last weeks post...I loved them all...the cows made me laugh and the Poppies where gorgeous!! The sunset reflection at Acton Bridge is lovely ...some great photos !!

grammie g said...

Forgot to say how darn cute that Wood mouse is ...

Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Looks cute !

Captain Shagrat said...

Yes they are so very nice to look at...I get a few in my garden but they have to be careful as the nameless one that is my cat will have them for tricks and dinner.

Unknown said...

These are your visitor friends, right? :-) They're absolutely cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so happy to hear these cute little guys are not harmful to your home. adorable and the photos are great.

Amila Kanchana said...

Adorable little rodents, fantastic photos!

Connie Smiley said...

Those are darling!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just came to find these mice and send them to someone who lives here and said mice are horrid... these are the cutest i have ever seen.