Monday 25 June 2012

The Olympic Torch..........................................................................................

I was fortunate to be in Keswick as the Olympic Torch passed through the town.
8000 runners are carrying the flame around the UK over 70 days so that 95% of the population will be within an hours drive if they wish to see it.

The locals turned out in good numbers to watch the event.
The torch is about halfway along it's journey around the British Isles.

The parade started to arrive a good ten minutes or so before the flame passed by.

The sponsors were giving out freebies to the watching public.

The rain stayed away during the time the torch passed through the town.

Surrounded by bodyguards this runner enjoyed his few minutes of fame...
...the torch bearers only cover around 300 meters before lighting the torch of the next person.

It won't happen again in my lifetime and if all goes to plan over the years it probably won't be seen again in the UK by anyone present that evening.


  1. glad you got to see a bit of history in the making. :)

  2. Nice one, you saw the torch, must have been a brilliant event.

  3. Awesome, we had the same thing here in Canada for the last Vancouver Olympic winter games. I think this is were it started.

  4. a wonderful celebration and nice to be there with your camera Drew

  5. Great shots! It's fun to see what's going on over there. It reminds me of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. I was living there at the time and saw a lot of the street activity.

  6. Nice shots Andrew. Got to admit I was sceptical about the Olympics but couldn't help getting excited when I passed the entourage on the M50 recently.

  7. A great day out or everyone.

  8. A great post indeed a great experience!
