Friday, 1 June 2012

My favourite kind of food...................................................................... FREE!

We had a treat at work today... following a sales promotion we had won a free lunch for the branch.
Pizza for 30 people... well a couple of slices each at least.

 It doesn't happen often so we all enjoyed our free lunch.

 You had to be sharp though... it didn't take long for it to disappear.

 Lunch before the hoards arrived.

I didn't manage an after shot to compare with the before.
I only left the canteen for a few minutes... it was all over when I got back.

Apologies for a lack of comments on other blogs this past few days... I have a lot going on at the moment.
I promise to play catch up at some point over the (long) weekend.
I say long weekend because Monday and Tuesday are public holidays in the UK as we celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee.


  1. My kind of lunch. I'm a pizzaholic.

  2. i could eat pizza for every meal. but i think that would be just terrible for my waist line. you enjoy!! (:

  3. hawaiian is my favorite! yeah, the hordes don't take long to clean house, do they? :)

  4. It looks pretty ... I just tasted :-)
    Have a nice and long weekend.

  5. my two favorite foods above all else are pizza and hamburgers. this looks great to me.

  6. I think everyone loves pizza - my favourite is Margarita:)
    Have a nice time, Andrew!

  7. Oh lol, that reminds me of last year when a colleague entered us into a Gü draw. We won crateloads of cheesecake. With eat by date within 2 days! Have a grand Jubilee weekend!

  8. With pizza, turn your back for a minute and it is gone. You've learned that now.

  9. mmmm, not a good photo-pic for me right on lunchtime here; making me really hungry. I rarely have pizza, but I love it! Pepperoni looks real good!

  10. Could you pass me a slice of the Hawaiian pizza... my favorite!

  11. Pizza is one of my favorites and free pizza is even better!

  12. I think i know what im having for dinner today now. !!!!!

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  13. Just looking makes me salivate!
