Sunday, 17 June 2012

Mum's garden birds.........................................................................................

I had a visit to my Mum's today to do a bit of a tidy up and weeding in her garden.
Yes I had my camera with me... I captured these images while taking a drinks break.

 This fence was replaced earlier this year after high winds brought down the old one.
It's not taken long for the plants (and weeds) to recover.

The garden next door has plenty of bird feeders... and Mum gets to see plenty in her garden.

This little youngster was still getting fed by it's parents.

 There were plenty of House Sparrows enjoying the feeders.

A potted rhododendron adds a bit of colour to the patio.
I have some bedding plants left over at home... I now know were they are going.

Blue Tit.

It's Fathers Day... 
...we lost Dad over 40 years ago... so that makes this a day for appreciating my Mum.
She has been doing both jobs for such a long time.


Chatty Crone said...

Oh I love love love your photos all the time Andrew. I hope you all have a great father’s day - oops do you celebrate that there? sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking that you took a break NOT for drinks but to snap snap snap those bird photos. she has almost as many as you do. so good of you to go over and help out.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that is sweet, andrew.

my favorite shot was the 2nd w/ the 3 birds. :)

Magia da Inês said...

Maravilhosa série de fotos.
Adorei a segunda foto... eles são pardais tão comuns mas são tão bonitinhos.
Boa semana!

barbara l. hale said...

Great bird pics!

Gillian Olson said...

Lovely birds, I bet your Mother appreciates the help too, good for you.

Lisabella Russo said...

Those are so sweet! My grandfather loved sparrows. Whenever I see them I think of him. Thank you for a nice father's or rather grandfather's day memory. It's good of you to make father's day a celebration for your mother as well.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

love the first bird shot...with a three lined up on the branch...and the second one where his head is turned...looking at you.

a nice father's day visit...for your mom...

Bob Bushell said...

I'll bet that your mother does appreciate all the work, beautiful garden.

Iris said...

simply, the beauties :)

Pantherka said...

Beautiful garden and everything in it.

Unknown said...

All are good but I especially like the three bird shot. Lovely!