Sunday, 24 June 2012

It really has been a wet few days in The Lakes................................................

I was only away for a couple of days walking... I had hoped for a few sunny days like last year.
The image below was taken in April 2011

The ribbon of blue is the River Derwent as it flows into Derwentwater at the southern end of the lake.
The image was taken from the aptly named view point "Surprise View"

The same scene from "Surprise View" yesterday (23rd June 2012).

April 2011... the white strip on the left is the footpath leading towards the bridge that enables walkers to cross the River Derwent.

June 2012... the same bridge is in the centre of this image... will be redundant for quite a few days I think!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so no walking now. it is all under water, that is some flooding going on. not only a surprise view but a very beautiful view. we are under flood watch here, there is a storm, Debbie in the middle of the gulf, 165 miles west of us, it has been raining 24 hours and another 72 predicted.

Carole M. said...

...oh dear, yes heard on the news about the deluges of water in the U.K. Shame it came when you had a couple days to explore The Lakes district. Never mind, your scenes make for an interesting blog post regardless; especially having the comparisons to share. for some Aussie 'roos you might enjoy seeing Drew

DeniseinVA said...

I'd heard about all this rain you've been having. These photos put it all in perspective. Amazing shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

OH MY! Thank you for showing what it looked like last year illustrating well just how flooded the area is at the moment.

Amy Burzese said...

Oh no! That's some flooding! Some of that needs to come to the US.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, my, my, my!!! wow!

TexWisGirl said...

(and sorry about the feeders!)

Magia da Inês said...

Sempre temos inundações no meu país, às vezes, cidades inteiras ficam debaixo d'água... seria consequência do que fazemos com a natureza?
Boa semana!

Min fotogen said...

Wow such a different view!
I hope the rain will stop so you can take the bridge way again!

Unknown said...

Wow that's a big time flood!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Bob Bushell said...

Not a pleasant way to go out in the rain.

cieldequimper said...

Good grief... I'm not surprised though, it rained cats and dogs here all day long...

Brian King said...

Wow! That's a huge change! You certainly got more rain than you needed. Even flooded, the scenery is beautiful, though.

Gillena Cox said...

sad the flooding; but all the same fab photos

much love ...

Unknown said...


BlueShell said...

That...can be dangerous...but the photos are magnificent!!!
Love, BShell

holdingmoments said...

Interesting comparison shots Andrew.
They've certainly had plenty of rain there.

Arija said...

Just a few more lakes than you bargained for but lovely scenery none the less.

Unknown said...

OMG !!!I know that area very well and can say i have only seen it that bad once in all the years i have been visiting the lakes !! I can imagine the water edge hotels were either flooded or panicking :-(
Great images :-)

All the best Mark

Hilke Breder said...

I am thinking of all the baby birds still in their nests that must have drowned.