Saturday 23 June 2012

A couple of day's away...................................................... in the Lake District

I have just had a short holiday in the Lake District.

As you can see I have had some wonderful June sunshine... 
... OK the weather has been rubbish but it didn't stop me enjoying a few walks.
Just home so plenty of images to sort through and hopefully share over the next couple of days.


  1. you had to be standing under some sort of rain spout for that shot! goober... :)

  2. Hi Andrew...Sorry you had such rubbish weather on your time away...but I think you are full of rubbish ; } because there is no way it is raining that hard in that photo ...hahahaha!!
    Hope you have some good ones to share!!

  3. Same here: rain, rain, and more rain! Hope your waterproofs were acually waterproof!

  4. This photo does look a little suspicious.. something isn't quite right with the way the rain is coming down on your umbrella! I could sure use some of that rubbish weather here, my front yard is so dry its starting to look like a desert!

  5. you look wet and miserable, hope you have a lot of good photos to browse through and take your mind off the rubbish weather. were you standing under the spout Tex says you were under, if not that is a lot of rain.

  6. Funny guy! Make the best out of an otherwise unpleasant situation, that's what I do and looks like you do likewise.

  7. Still you have a good equipment :) Best regards from sunny Warsaw :):):)

  8. good to have a change of scenery; I believe The Lakes district to be extra special; have seen a little on a tv show too. Hope it didn't rain every day and look forward to your photos Drew

  9. Nice to see you, dear Andrew! Let us hope for some good weather soon!!

  10. Your weather looks like ours.. cool and wet. It doesn't stop us, either.

  11. Hi Andrew, I see you. But the weather with you ... :-(

  12. I hear yuo've had lots of rain this spring. Maybe it will let up soon.

  13. Andrew...was is really that bad:)We long to see therains here...almost a year with no rains.Enjoy your sunday!


  14. Quite the downpour you're in there! :-)

  15. Sorry for that bad weather, but this it's a good shot.

    Greetings, Joop

  16. I think Cumbria got it worse than we did here in South West Scotland, but the Cree did burst it's banks in the usual places.
    Wet can still be photogenic.

  17. Too bad about the weather, but that shot is a riot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  18. Looks like you picked a great time to visit the Lake District!
