Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Billys Rose......................................................................................................

When I lost my little cat Billy back in 2006 a friend bought me this rose bush in memory of him.
It's named "Friend for Life" and every year it produces flowers in abundance.

It's been a sunny evening tonight... heavy rain is forecast for the next few days.


Horst in Edmonton said...

Lovely Rose bush.

Joop Zand said...

Very nice roses Andrew

Here is the weather the same ...... a lot of rain is coming.

Greetings, Joop

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color! Wish we could get some rain here, my yard needs it bad!

John said...

Lovely rose Andrew, a perfect memorial to your beloved pet!

Anonymous said...

Sinbad says you should adopt another cat >^..^<

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have predictions of the same, heavy rain through Sunday. i like those posts of begonias in the background of your garden.

TexWisGirl said...

that is really sweet. (and i agree w/ john)

Carole M. said...

and it's looking so beautiful right now. Today is our winter soltice/shortest day of the year .. Your garden will be a lovely spot to walk out to with a cuppa of a morning and soak up some of that early sunshine before work?

eileeninmd said...

What a lovely memory of your kitty. The roses are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That gift was extremely thoughtful. I hope it blooms forever!

holdingmoments said...

A lovely rose Andrew; a plant I don't have much luck with for some reason.

Brian King said...

That's a beautiful rose bush, Andrew!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, it's very beautiful rose.

Rohrerbot said...

What a great way to remember your cat! Beautiful flowers!

Susan said...

Awww, that was a wonderful thing your friend did for you. The roses are so beautiful, what a great way to remember your little friend. I wish we would get some rain, we need it badly!

Bob Bushell said...

A beautiful rose, you can't beat it.

Gillian Olson said...

That is really sweet, a pretty rose and touching reminder of Billy.

genie said...

What a wonderful gift from your friend. It must be very happy there because it is blooming prolifically. The color is so nice. genie

trump said...

Billy would be very proud of those flowers, very classy for a wonderful friend. Richard