Monday, 11 June 2012

Back to the river.................................................................... this time by bike

 I went out for a bike ride quite late yesterday (Sunday) evening.

I wasn't the only cyclist enjoying the late sunshine.
This bridge crosses the old river whose flow is controlled by the sluice gate in the near distance.

 I have already shared the poppies but I stopped to get some more images
 All the images shared on this post were taken with my little point and shoot.

I stopped when I reached the horse bridge... to the left is the Weaver Navigation..
The original river rejoins the navigation after its short meander at this point.

The views above were taken while standing on the horse bridge... looking right.

 The sun was setting behind me as I returned to my starting point at Acton Bridge.

 Ahead the skies still looked bright.

 The still waters of the river offered some lovely reflections.

The swing bridge at Acton Bridge... and the Leigh Arms pub (white building over the road on the left)
I had time for a pint before heading home.


TexWisGirl said...

the sunset photo is awesome! so is the bridge reflection in the last. i really like the poppies and pond photo, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the bikes make the first photo specail and i love the last photo of the bridge reflection but my vote for best shot of today is that sunset on the Acton Brige. wow on that one

trump said...

A very nice Monday post, love the bikes and the sunsets. Richard

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, I love the ones with the poppies. Beautiful reflections of the bridges.
Have a lovely evening.


barbara l. hale said...

What a great place to ramble! I adore that sunset picture and the poppies are so beautiful.

Bob Bushell said...

Wowee, that looks like a beautiful to visit.

John said...

Lovely sunset shots Andrew! The poppy seems to be having a good year this year, there are loads around my neck of the woods!

Kay said...

I like the photos.

Iris said...

all pics absolutely beautiful :)

Pantherka said...

Andrew, it is very beautiful. Poppies are amazing.

Brian King said...

Oh, the last photo is fantastic! That's a very nice reflection! The sunset is gorgeous. Beautiful scenery and a great place to ride!

Carole M. said...

Lovely late afternoon view over the bridge. How pretty to see the vibrant poppies growing midst all the lush green by the water. Super reflections in your finale' bridge photograph!

Anonymous said...

Your little point and click does a wonderful job. I like the stillness of the waters; I can almost feel the evening. I'd like to join you for a pint also.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely riverside stroll Andrew.
Poppies always brighten a landscape; and that sunset is a beauty.

Joop Zand said...

Very nice pictures with good compositions , nice colos and light,
well done Andrew.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a great thing to do, to take a bike ride along the river, and how beautiful it all is~

The Herald said...

Great reflection shots Andrew, well worth going (pedalling!) out for!...[;o)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

wow! beautiful!
poppies! cool water reflections! and serene sunset! the perfect bike ride.

Frank... said...

Some really super shots...

The Glebe Blog said...

Nice pictures John, can you be over the limit on a bike ?

Susan said...

So, so beautiful! The reflections and the flowers. So beautiful!

Hilke Breder said...

Such a quiet reflective mood, Drew. - I could get lost in your pictures. It reminds me to take time to slow down.

Liz said...

WOW! All such beautiful shots. Great skies, lovely sunset, beautiful reflections, wonderful bridges, gorgeous flowers. There is so much beauty in this world, if only we stop to admire it... you have done that wonderfully. Thanks for sharing :)