Sunday, 13 May 2012

Thundersprint Northwich.......................................................... the main event

Yesterday was the Thundersprint Bike Show... it's held in my small town Northwich.
Today was the day of the Thundersprint itself.

 I was in town yesterday and apart from the Bike Show and the fact there were motor cycles everywhere it was business as usual and a typical Saturday afternoon... the crowds really flocked in today.

This fairground had appeared over night... roads have been closed... and grandstands built.
   I am in awe of the organizers.

Not a chance of ever getting me on that! 

Thousands of visitors lined the route to watch the cavalcade as it drove through the town centre.

It's the prequil to the main event... Thundersprint.
The towns main car park (it's illegal in the UK to race on public roads) is transformed in a racing circuit.
It's a time trial... one bike at a time.

 The circuit is short and some of the big machines never get out of first gear.
It does take quite a bit of skill to post a fast time... it's all over in around 20 seconds... they take tree runs each and the fastest average wins.

 This is Chesca Miles... a female stunt rider... and yes she is balancing on the front wheel in the first image.

Family entertainment enjoyed by all and with beautiful sunshine and as I said yesterday the event is Free.
Free Entry... Free Parking... and that doesn't happen often these days.
The main sponsor?... our local council.


TexWisGirl said...

love that last bike. quite the spectator sport, i'd imagine.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

I would be the first in line to get on that carnival ride in the 4th photo! This looks like fun!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Shadows and thrills aplenty!

The Great Stone Church

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no rides for me either, would love the bikes, but would not want to be caught in that crowd of people.

Shaun said...

I am so envious. Why cant anything like this come to my town...It is right up my street events like this.
Excellent images Andrew.
Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful motobike riders, and there is the fare, isn't it free as well?

Kelly said...

You caught some really great shots! Good job!

Carole M. said...

I had to wonder how the balloon-man would manage to get a certain balloon out of that bunch without letting go of the strings? There's got to be an art to that! Bet you can still smell the rubber, and is it ethanol they run on?

Brian King said...

Excellent shots of the bikes, Andrew! And I like the photo of the balloons, too. Looks like you had a good time!

Anonymous said...

2nd photo question: In the UK you drive on the left hand side of the road, so how come pedestrian traffic does not do likewise? The vintage bike in the last shot is great!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Terrific series on the Thundersprint Bike Show, and yes it always fascinates me when the circus comes to Perth, it's not there and the very next day it is and up and running, part of the wonder of it all I guess. I smiled when I saw the motorcycle 'hearse' Andrew, kind of lovely really!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Fun event to see. Thanks for your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shots. - Rose

Wall Shadow, please come and see.

Frank... said...

Some great shots here, Andrew...

Unknown said...

Very cool captures. Funny bike at the bottom.

Ruby said...

The racing circuit is thrilling. And that ride is my favorite and scary in any fair. Once we were up in the air for full five minutes with the view of St Paul's and the london eye. I think you could try it sometime :) Cheers, Ruby