Thursday, 10 May 2012

Haydn's Pool.................................................................... on a rainy afternoon

I walked to Haydn's Pool from home on Wednesday afternoon.
It was just starting to rain as I arrived at the bird hide at Haydn's Pool.

 It's mid week... I am on holiday... and I had my favourite spot all to myself.

The hide/blind at Haydn's Pool is spacious...and covered so the rain wasn't a problem.

Anderton Nature Park is quite busy at weekends.
Haydn's Pool is a little bit off the beaten track though so I think it's great that the people who run the reserve added this board to inform non birders of what they may see while passing by... kids love it.

As the rain eased off this little Wren appeared on the bushes alongside the hide.

I had watched it earlier coming out of the ivy and foraging... then returning back into the same spot.
Obviously nesting so I stayed well clear.

Reed Bunting.
I saw quite a few Reed Buntings on the reeds that stretch most of the way around the pool.

Reed Warbler.
I could hear the chattering of warblers among the reeds with only a glimpse now and again so I am quite please I managed these images.

Sedge Warbler.
These little birds have recently arrived back after spending the winter months in Africa.

The rain started to ease off so I packed up my stuff and headed for home... I had been there for 3 hours.



  1. Nice photos. Bet the time went by quickly.

  2. Enjoy your hols. Looks like you are! :-)

  3. Hi Andrew,
    What do you mean, it started to rain? Do you mean it had actually stopped beforehand! ;)
    Nice to little Jenny Wren, a lovely little bird, with an extremely loud song! Good to get a photo of a Reed Warbler too, something I can`t seem to manage!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  4. Gray rainy skies, but such terrific captures, Andrew! I love the birds! They are so beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Have a great holiday. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. just love any type of wren. and that reed bunting is beautiful! glad you're enjoying your week off.

  7. Lovely pictures. I haven't the chance to photograph the Wren, I know where it's at, but I can't get them onto film.

  8. The hide really worked for you. Wonderful pictures.

  9. Beautiful pictures, have a nice time.

  10. I wish our parks would add birding blinds. I agree that the Reed Bunting is a beauty.
    Well...I learned something new. Do all your migratory birds winter in Africa?
    Hugs to you!

  11. Great photos Andrew, I bet it was nice and quiet other than the birds.

  12. So glad you're having a nice holiday! :)

  13. I'm pretty well up on your part of the world but Haydn's Pool was a new one on me! Sadly I can't drive any more so it will have to remain unknown.

  14. Glad you're having such a great break from the workplace. That is a great sized hide at Haydn's. Sweet, that the little wren came to join you and make your visit special. You got some nice snaps to share Drew.

  15. Amazing images ! The little Wren is very cute :)

  16. Even in the rainy atmosphere that first shot is lovely!
    What a great place to be able to go and watch the birds. I want someone to build such a place in my world. :)
    Sweet little captures of the birds.

  17. Great pictures, that hide is obviously in a good location you got quite a variety of birds.

  18. Great photos of those birds! I like the wren. It's always nice to have a place like that to yourself. I'm glad you didn't let the rain stop you.

  19. Great; You are on holidays...hum lucky man...
    The photos are fabulous! You know that!

    Here: 2 weeks raining and now...sun and temperatures over 30degrees... Awful....

    Miss you

    BShell (Isabel)

  20. Great finds. We have a bird hide close to home but my 55-250mm lens isn't long enough to get the zoom I want. I might go back and try just in case they come up closer next time.

  21. Isn't it just so hard to get shots of the little denizens hiding in the reeds? You did really, really well. Love the pose of the little wren with that cute upright tail. I hope you manage to see the babies as well a little later.

    Glad you are enjoying a holiday Drew.

  22. it is always amazing to me how fast time goes when watching and snapping photos. that blind is a great place to watch from. sweet little wren

  23. Glad you are enjoying yourself! We all need that time to relax and unwind! The bird pictures are amazing!

  24. How cool having the hide just to yourself. Lovely pics.

  25. LOVE your shots!! the little wrens are too cute...and sometimes hard to get a good picture...they're fast!

    just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog...and seeing the nature that surrounds me here in florida! :) i'll be back to wander more, but right now i can't sit for too long...i'm battling 'sciatica'...for the past few days...and it sure is a pain in the...

    anyway...i'm a new follower here! have a great weekend!

  26. Beautiful birds, Andrew,great captures!

  27. Time flies when you're having fun hey Andrew. Every time I see your bird images and see the hides I keep meaning to find out if we have any here in off to do it right now! Enjoy the rest of your break.
