Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Some birds have real presence.........................................................................

It's normally the bride that steals the show.

White Peacock... and it's stunning display.

Often referred to as an albino peacock it is nothing of the sort.
It's technically a white peacock which is a genetic variant of the Indian Blue Peafowl

I saw this magnificent bird on a visit to Pensthorpe Waterfowl Park and Nature Reserve in Norfolk  in 2008.
I had forgotten all about it but my on going image clear up is producing some wonderful memories.

A view from the rear...of a beautiful bird who was so intent to show off his plumage.

To see more wonderful birds visit
World Bird Wednesday LXVIII


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! Great shots.
Thanks for sharing.


Linda said...

That is a gorgeous peacock. It's great to go through old images isn't it? I've been doing that lately too.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, wow ... some one is definitely showing off. just gorgeous. (:

TexWisGirl said...

they have several of these exotic beauties at a place in C. Texas where they hold a lot of weddings. makes for some lovely wedding photos with them competing for the focus from the bride... :)

The Herald said...

What a strikingly beautiful bird Andrew. Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing your memories with us...[;o)

Unknown said...

Certainly not your every day bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Beautiful Bird, I actually like the white one better.

Inger-M said...

What a gorgeous bird! Magnificent shots!

Carole M. said...

fantastic Andrew; what a moment; you got lucky with your camera. How about the black necked "goose" I suspect? I thought for a moment a swan but doubt it...

Scriptor Senex said...

That is avian perfection.

Bob Bushell said...

A beautiful display. Beautiful images.

Chatty Crone said...

That is absolutely gorgeous. sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic shots

CameraCruise said...

Wow, fantastic shots!
It's so beautiful.
As for the youngsters of the Black Swan, the same happens here. It's so sad.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a picture of one of them before. Stunning. I just wonder how they keep clean and white when it rains and the ground is muddy.

Adam Tilt said...

Wow talk about presence. You really can't get much more showy than that. Brilliant looking bird Andrew.

Unknown said...

These guys are so vain! :-) Wonderful captures.

Magia da Inês said...

Lindos clicks.
Ave maravilhosa!
Boa semana!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous shots of the White Peacock!

Arija said...

Oh WOW! I had seen a white peacock before and thought "ho humm" compared to our Indian Blue but seeing it display is quite another matter! There is something angelic and other worldly about it. Magnificent!

Thanks so much for the hugs, returned with interest.

Sondra said...

OH its gorgeous Andrew...I have seen a white peacock but not with his FAN spread out..WOW!!!

Pat said...

What a beautiful bird!

Tammy said...

Wow, that is a stunning bird!

Anonymous said...

OK...I'm sheltered! I've never seen a peacock like this or even heard of one. It's magnificent! So glad you captured this with your camera and shared. I'm a little more educated now. Thanks!

Susan Scheid said...

What a grand peacock!

Anonymous said...

What a magnificent bird! This is a first for me, thank you for sharing.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful white peacock. The wing spread is awesome.

Gillian Olson said...

It is a beauty, never seen a white one before. They certainly are showoffs though.

Reena said...

He is so gorgeous!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

It certainly is beautiful, like lace. I didn't know they were a distinct breed. Well photographed all round.

Martha Z said...

I noticed that there was no pink eye, otherwise I would have thought it an albino had you not told us otherwise. Beautiful bird!

hannah said...

Well...who can top that I wonder.
It must be difficult for the bird to schlepp that around all day, but what a treat for us to it.

Brian King said...

Holy cow! That is beautiful! I've never seen one in all white before. Well done, Andrew! Gorgeous!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, a series of beautiful white peacock, very beautiful.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

My Irish grandmother used to say that peacocks did that to call attention away from their ugly feet! She told me that if I just said "Oh what ugly feet" the peacock would just fold up its feathers and stalk away in shame.

Liz said...

I have never seen a White Peacock. Such a stunning display! Great shots, thanks for sharing

Tanya Breese said...

i have never seen a white peacock before...magnificent!

Furry Bottoms said...

Ohhhh wow, how gorgeous and rare!!! I love how the individual feathers stand out. Of course gotta love that plume too!

Ruby said...

The peacocks are beautiful birds and it is always a delight to watch them dance!

NatureFootstep said...

it´s awesome what nature can do. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

That is just a stunning bird -- I had never heard of it. Wow -- I'm so glad you're working your way through your marvelous archives -- and sharing with us!

Springman said...

Some things just go behind fantastic. What do you think the evolutionary rationality is of such a dramatic display?
Thanks for sharing Sir!

Susan said...

WOW, he is stunning isn't he? Beautiful photos Andrew!


woooooooow! woooooooooooow! amazing photo!

The Glebe Blog said...

I remember a friend telling me of a farm in Ormskirk that bred these.I've just googled peacock ormskirk and it's come up with 'Brow Farm'.Not too far from you then Andrew.
Lovely pictures

Larry said...

That is quite an amazing display Andrew!