Tuesday, 27 March 2012

My garden door handle.................. an ideal perch for this lovely little Blue Tit

For about a week now this little Blue Tit has been using the door handles of my french doors as a perch.
He's been having a good look inside... casing up the joint for a break in?
Or is he seeing a rival in his reflection.

I saw him on Sunday morning and set up the camcorder hoping he would return.
It took just ten minutes to put this little clip together... it's been lovely to watch him doing this.

 World Bird Wednesday LXXI


Joop Zand said...

Lovely this little guest....it's so nice to see.

greetings, joop

HansHB said...

Nice! Lucky you got a cute visitor!
Happy WBW!

Nature Rambles said...

A treat to see...lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Aww...how cute! I loved it when he jumped, I think he was trying to get your attention, he just wanted to have breakfast with you.

Unknown said...

Looks like he wants in Andrew!! Boom & Gaey of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TexWisGirl said...

the way he slides in from the side makes me laugh! cute little 'caser'. :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, cute little guy. I assume you used WMM to delete the sound? I discovered that soon off. It was the slo-motion feature that you tipped me off on that took 12 months for me.

Amila Kanchana said...

What a cool bird to have so close by! Good steady video!

DeniseinVA said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this video of your darling little visitor. Thanks Andrew!

Karen said...

Oh how sweet! It looks like he REALLY wants to come inside!

cieldequimper said...

How sweet is that?! Mum has been gardening a lot lately in this summer weather and she said she invariably has Mr. Robin perched nearby...

Unknown said...

So cool! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your silent movie, the silence allows me to enjoy that sweet little bird. love it

Horst in Edmonton said...

Hey Andrew, love the video, so nice to see this little bird. I think the reason he is coming to the window is that he sees his reflection in the glass and thinks he has a rival. The jump was a tell for me.

Linda said...

I enjoyed watching your video, the blue tit is watching himself in the window.

Phil Slade said...

Either he can see himself or you put a peanut just behind the glass!

joo said...

Nice visitor! Seems to be determined to get in:)

mick said...

Beautiful bird and a great video capture.

Dianne said...

Beautiful Andrew .. It was worth the trouble of setting up your cam-recorder. Such a pretty little bird .... I love how he flits off and then flits back again nervously looking around. Delightful!

fjällripan said...

He is so lovely!! :)

NatureFootstep said...

that is a curious little fellow. Nice video. :)

eileeninmd said...

I'm sure I heard him say, let me in! Great capture of this pretty bird!

Bob Bushell said...

You don't leave the house empty, do you. I am bugler, lol.

wildaboutwales said...

we get this behaviour in the male human . its called vanity, there is a long-tailed tit that admires itself in an old mirror we have in the garden I am going to put a cover over it as the cats are showing an interest in its daily routine.

wildaboutwales said...

sorry Andrew type in the search box , Wild life in wales.to get the post up

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I love watching the birds at my kitchen window feeder. I really need to try a video. Excellent!

Magia da Inês said...

O que eu acho mais bacana é a confiança que esse pássaro tem em pousar na sua maçaneta.
Isso que é a verdadeira interação do ser humano com a natureza... parabéns!!!
Boa semana!


Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That is a cool video!

Debbie said...

too cute for words, he's looking for food!!

Kay said...

What a great capture with your video camera.

Carletta said...

Super video Andrew!
Cute little fellow.

Springman said...

How strange when worlds meet! He was being introduced to the man in the glass.
Cheers Andrew!

Susan Scheid said...

Yet another great video! We had house finches decide they'd try and build a nest behind our small porch light. It wasn't going to work, twigs falling all over the place, so I had to dismantle it in hopes they'd think up a better place (we've got so many good places here)! We saw them sitting on the front deck railing thinking hard about what to do next. Haven't seen any twigs behind the porch light, so we're hoping they've found a nest spot that's a bit more sensible.

Gillian Olson said...

Really wonderful video, what a beautiful little bird. I think he wants to join you for breakfast.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Andrew, What a sweet video of this cute bird. Well done...it made me smile!

Pantherka said...

It's beautiful, you had a great visit.

Brian King said...

That's fantastic, Andrew! It's nice to see video. Great little perch for that guy!

peter said...

nice video:)
virtual games for kids

Stewart M said...

Hi there - splendid little bird!

After I saw Gary and Boomers post about the Musk Rat I was racking my brain about where Musky the cartoon character came from. And then along came your comment - splendid!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Hilke Breder said...

Hi Drew, I think he's seeing a competitor in the reflecting glass. Wait till he gets up the courage to start pecking at it! Cheers, Hilke

The Glebe Blog said...

Great minds thing alike, you're clip is almost double the length of my Phalacrocorax aristotelis clip.
Georgeous !

MoiCLouLou said...

Gorgeous bird Andrew, love it!
Have a nice day, Louise

Modesto Viegas said...

Nice movie!!!

Pat said...

What a charming little visitor! Maybe he just wants to be invited for breakfast.

LindyLouMac said...

I wonder if he can see himself in the glass. :)

Connie Smiley said...

What a delightful little dance! So glad you captured it.

Joanne Olivieri said...

What a great video and I think he is just admiring himself. After all, why not, he is a cutie.