Saturday, 3 March 2012

Daffodil growing in my garden.........................................................................

Every Sunday morning for the past seven weeks I have taken a little video clip of this daffodil growing in my garden. It started to appear so early this year confused by the mild weather. It usually flowers in late March.

It flowered on Wednesday while I was at work... it was the 29th of February.
I took my final clip at 6.50am the following morning before leaving for work.


           It is only a short clip and put together just for fun... I am also playing around with the editing....
                                            ...adding titles and credits (Windows Live Video Maker).


Elizabeth Edwards said...

Andrew, you have a great sense of humor. love the video. i brought several of our daffodils inside to enjoy. the hubby asked me if i had left any outside? i just enjoy them. something nice & alive inside is fun. (:

Anonymous said...

Daffodils always seem to brighten the gloom of winter days. Nice video, the fade to the next photo works well for this type of series. Have a great weekend! :)

joo said...

I love the video Andrew, you're such a great director:)

Brian King said...

Wonderful video and beautiful shots, Andrew! That's a gorgeous Daffodil.

cieldequimper said...

I can't wait for the daffs to show on Avenue de Paris. If you have nothing better to do, you could click on the daffodil label on VDP... I'm not sure they'll have made it this year. Some were already starting to open yellow in January and then we had - 11° at night...

I've just bought a bunch today, the first this year! :-)
Love you way you've shown the 'evolution'. Are those snowdrops in the foreground?

Magia da Inês said...

Adoro flores mas não conheço narcisos... não sei se aqui tem outro nome.
Bom fim de semana!
♥ •˚。
°° 。♥。
●/ ♥•˚。˚
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Wilma said...

Nothing like a daffodil to cheer you up!

TexWisGirl said...

your little video made me laugh. but that is a perfect bloom. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Spring is coming! sandie

Anonymous said...

Okay, you're having too much fun with Windows Live Movie Maker.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice work Andrew!

Shaun said...

Result, the nation flower of Wales is finally invading Andres garden. Go on my
Excellent photos though, and i liked that video, puts a good spin on a 'normal' time lapse.

holdingmoments said...

Good little video Andrew; and a lovely subject. So cheery.

genie said...

You are so clever with your video. Your days look quite hearty where mine look confused to be blooming in March and not in spring. I, too, have been cutting them expecting another storm o come and freeze them out. Lovely captures. Gorgeous yellows. genie

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...You are so cute lol!!!
Lovely your actress with blonde hair...she has all the right moves, a little slow but she got there! hahaha!!
Seriously gorgeous to see on a dull dreary rainy day such as we have here!!
Thanks for sharing!!
Grace ♥

Bob Bushell said...

The Daffs are about come out in my part of Engand, and the video, well, added a few things things Andrew.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Great post Andrew, I love Daffodils. Beautiful flower.

Sallie ( said...

Jealous. Seriously jealous. No daffodils in Florida. (Beautiful job with the pictures and video!) I'm just kidding about being jealous...sob!

Unknown said...

I love the video.... we won't have daffodils here for several more weeks. And my patch runs a full week longer than most places around here. I love daffodils.... maybe I'll go get some store-boughten ones to go with the new paint job in the dining room...

Also just read the tide stories. When we were in Maine at Acadia National Park, we lived with the tides. My Mom was a Florida native and she also just 'knew' the tides. Great pics and story.

Sondra said...

HOW FUN...that was lovely--and a great idea.

Susan Scheid said...

This is SUCH a sight for sore eyes! I remember going to England in February and being so thrilled to get a 2-month jump on spring. Enjoy your daffies!

Nancy said...

Bravo! I can't wait for Daffodil 2 to come out! :)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very lovely from you backyard !

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see the daffodil!

The Herald said...

Like the pictures Andrew. Excellent video, a great idea...[;o)

Tanya Breese said...

what a neat idea to document its growth from the beginning! i am ready for spring!

Liz said...

HA! Love the addition of the video. I have never tried Windows Video Maker... looks like you had a bit of fun!
Nice to see some flowers I bet and great close up.

Pantherka said...

Great job Andrew.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely daffodils, I see some just starting to come up in my yard. Great post.

Unknown said...

Beautiful macro shot! Nature is so perfect.