Sunday 5 February 2012

Sundays stroll was only into my garden...............................................

I stayed at home today... but did venture out into the garden to top up the feeders.
I was wrapped up warm (two jackets) and when I had finished topping up I grabbed the camera and just sat quietly in the garden for a few minutes to see what turned up.

This female Blackbird was straight onto the seed.

A Dunnock was getting chased all over the place by my little Robin.

 The Blackbird with what looked like a mouthful of leaves.

 Fed up of playing chase with the Robin the Dunnock took his chance...he managed to get a few seeds...
 ...before being seen off again by the aggressive little redbreast.

A bit of colour at last... Robins defend their territories with real determination.

 I have a bit of garden tidying up to do... it will have to wait until it gets a bit warmer.

I can't remember the last time I just stayed home and relaxed doing nothing other than enjoy a bit of peace and quiet... I recommend trying it.


  1. good for you! i guess you got your mom's yard in shape first, though!

  2. Hi Andrew...I really like the last photo..Iguess you didn't get snow in your area!
    Nice to just stay home and chill when your on the go all week!
    Grace x

  3. I only ventured out today because it snowed but saw... no birds. My Mum however has two robins coming to feed several times a day! These are lovely photos!

  4. Isn't it something that at times you are able to see just as many birds in the comfort of your own backyard as you do when out in the field? Nice post Andrew.

  5. Not a bad day then, even when you stayed at home. Those birds must have a healthy diet, to eat most the time. Beautiful images.

  6. Some nice shots there Andrew! Looks like you missed the snow in your neck of the woods! Woke up this morning to 4 inches of the white stuff!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  7. I love the 4th photo with the bird with the twigs in it's beak. That's a great capture.

  8. That's such a nice thing to do. I topped our feeder today, but only watched through the window to see who came back first. Interesting how the sweet-looking little robin is such a terror. House wrens are the same, in my experience. And sometimes it seems to me their approach is not just that they defend their territory, but that ALL the territory is theirs!

  9. Great pictures all around, but I love the bird pics!

  10. The orange bird is so beautiful :)
    Good shots

  11. They really are aggresive!! Good shots.Boom and Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. glad you had a day to relax and enjoy your birds and that lets us enjoy them also. you had a lot of visitors. and pretty ones too

  13. isn't it amazing the sweetest little bird, your robin, that it should be so aggressive and territorial. I guess they need to be feisty to hold onto their lot but not all birds are like that; the dove for one. Glad you took the time out in the cold to feed them up and take your photographs too; a double bounty; I enjoyed each of them and the lovely rosehips.

  14. Love the birds, I didn't realize robins were so protective. Hope you had a good rest day.

  15. Love the photos, so pretty and I'm glad you relaxed a bit. You deserve it!

  16. Good to sit and chill. Better with a glass of wine at ones elbow.

  17. Those little Robins are a bird not to be messed with , i have seen many over the years having a right olde scrap on the bird feeder

  18. It's funny how that pretty little robin can be so bossy! Based on size and appearance, you would think it would be the other way around. Nice photos!

  19. Many thanks for all your lovely comments.
