Sunday, 12 February 2012

A few more images from yesterday...............................................................

Shakerley Mere Cheshire.
 Blue Tit on the peanuts some kind soul had left hanging from a tree by the car park.
There were also a few empty nets from fatballs... as I stated yesterday the peanuts should be removed from the net bag and placed in a proper feeder.. the birds tiny feet can get trapped.

 The manufacturers of these products don't help either... they don't put warnings on the packaging.

 Coal Tit
The birds were enjoying them anyway... regardless of my worries.

 There were quite a few Robins near the car park.


Shakerley Mere is a popular place for young families to visit... kids love feeding the ducks.
It was freezing yesterday... the only other people were hardy dog walkers.

I decided to have a quick look in at Billinge Green on my way home.

 Billinge Green.
There are two angling pools here and both were frozen apart from a small area on the far side.

 There were quite a few Canada Geese on the ice... and I had only been there a couple of minutes...

  ...when this noisy lot joined them... another big flock of Canada Geese.

They flew around the lake a few times before landing.
It was a lovely sight... but what a din!  I have added a 30 second handheld video clip.

The swans weren't happy... a few skirmishes took place as I watched.


Kay said...

Great pictures. I love the video. Love the sounds of the geese "honking".

TexWisGirl said...

love those squawking geese! and the way they line up.

i half expected you to remove the netting feeders... :)

theconstantwalker said...

I wanted to T but there was a car parked beneath them and I couldn't reach.
I will take a feeder over next weekend and try again.

Wilma said...

You could just have easily taken the goose video across the road from our house in Minnesota. I get to see and hear them in great numbers almost daily from September through April and the rest of the year in smaller groups. Aren't they great?!

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely series Andrew.

barbara l. hale said...

That is what you might call a "boatload" of Canada Geese. We have a lot around here but I've not seen quite that many at once. Ironic (or something) that when we first moved to this area back in the 80s, they were kind of rare. Not these days. I like them though. I think they are interesting birds. The other bird shots are really good, too.

Gillian Olson said...

Lovely birds at the feeders, I hadn't realized that these were a potential danger for the birds, so glad you are pointing that out. I have never seen that kind of feeder here thank goodness.

Chatty Crone said...

Think I like the honking of the geese and them flying in - so exciting and pretty. sandie

Dina J said...

Such a great variety of little birds! I love the geese on the ice.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I like the birds at the feeder. Sweet!

Anonymous said...

I like your cute little robins; much different than ours. Great geese sounds. Thanks for the video.

Brian King said...

Those Blue Tits and Robins have some gorgeous colors! Nicely done, Andrew!

Martin Meyers said...

Hello! I'm a new blogger/writer and I just added myself to your followers for support! Maybe you could come follow me too?
Thanks so much!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Exquisite little birds Andrew and I share your concerns, why don't well meaning folk think things through before they do these things, they would probably be mortified if they were responsible for something so awful!

Unknown said...

Beautiful captures, love them all. Great series.

Sallie ( said...

I feel sorry for the birds (and hope it is warming up some).

holdingmoments said...

Good to see some people leaving food for the birds.
And the geese; amazing. I love hearing them. Music to my ears. Great video clip.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...


Ruby said...

I love the canadian geese shot - brilliant!