Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Centenary Stone..........................................................Derwentwater

Adrian from ADRIAN'S IMAGES posted an image a couple of days ago of a sculpture on the shore of Derwentwater during his stroll to Calfclose Bay.
The stone sculpture is The National Trust Centenary Stone ... it has lain there since 1995.

The Centenary Stone... Derwentwater.
This large boulder of local Borrowdale vocanic rock was split and carved inside by Peter Randall-page to commemorate the National Trusts centenary in 1995.

  Located on the beach at Broomhill Point the stone is often half submerged in the lake.

I have walked past the sculpture many times over the years.
It's a wonderful to see... and not always accessible.


Unknown said...

Interesting why it is in such an inaccesible place. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Pat said...

That is a beautiful sculpture. Maybe being hard to get to makes it all the more special.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Fascinating.. A wonderful sculpture. Thanks for sharing this, Andrew!

Kay said...

Very cool

Gillian Olson said...

Thank you for the ezplanation of this sculture, it is a very interesting piece. I bet it weighs a ton or two, no one is going to walk off with that in their back pocket.
Don't laugh I saw people picking up bits of Pompeii to take home as souvenirs when I was there recently.

Carole M. said...

interesting Andrew and I really like the wonderful mountains backdrop. The last photo looks great where it's partially submerged

Rohrerbot said...

Magical! Looks like something out of Tolkien novel!

Shaun said...

Excellent information on this Andrew, and i love the lengthy exposure used on the last image. Real nice work.
It looks like a prop off of Merlin or Game of thrones

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sculpture, the last photo certainly deserves to be framed! Thank you for sharing, Andrew.

TexWisGirl said...

it reminds me of a giant geode. :)

Horst in Edmonton said...

Awesome stone, beautifully sculpted. Great memorial.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Hmmm the answer to the strange carving...I was amazed when I saw that on Adrian just seems odd laying where it is !!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of the stone!!

Anonymous said...

That is so neat! I want one in my yard.

BlueShell said...

Man...that is awesome... absolutely surprising!
well done!
My admiration, Drew!

Brian King said...

What a cool stone! I like it even better when it's surrounded by the water.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Nice, Andrew, I like this sculpture in the nature. Beautiful nature.

Pantherka said...

Wow ... it's beautiful!

MoiCLouLou said...

Beautiful and interesting!
Thanks for sharing,

Sallie ( said...

It's an elegant sculpture and I think it's wonderful that it is kind of hidden from the everyday passerby -- makes it as if you've discovered a hidden treasure. I love it!!!

The Herald said...

Thanks for the info Andrew, all very interesting!...[;o)

HansHB said...

Lovely shots with beautiful colours!
I wish you a Happy Friday!

Susan said...

Very beautiful, really, really!

Chatty Crone said...

It is a beautiful place there - I can see why it is assessable at times. sandie