Tuesday 27 December 2011

Goldcrest a beautiful little bird to see.......... the smallest bird in Europe

This was not my intended post for World Bird Wednesday.... but I had to share this lovely little bird.

I have just returned home from today's walk and it's been fantastic.
Just a wander around my usual patch making the most of our very mild holiday weather.
A few hundred yards into my walk I bumped into a couple I hadn't seen in years and had a lovely few minutes having a chat.
 The path from the car park runs alongside Witton Brook.. to the left.
Witton Brook was the saviour of Haydn's Pool... water was pumped up (40ft +) to refill it after our Winter/Spring/Summer 2011 drought.
I went to have a look at Haydn's now defrosted pool... refilled and looking great.

These images are of the Sand Martin bank.... they nested in it for the first time this year.
The first image was taken on the 5th of July... it's wonderful to see what a bit of water can do!
Goldcrest (Regfulus regulus).
I was heading home with just a few images when I spotted a pair of Goldcrests.
The smallest bird in Europe along with the Firecrest.

 I have seen them before but not at Haydn's Pool and these are my first ever images... my day was complete... it's back to work tomorrow :-(

To see more wonderful birds visit World Bird Wednesday LVIII
just click on the image below.


  1. they are so cute! remind me of our ruby-crowned kinglet here in the States.

  2. They are Goldcrests Mike... Firecrest have a dark eye stripe.

  3. Stunning bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Okay it's just that red on the crest.

  5. Well done with the Goldcrest pictures Andrew. They don't keep still for too long do they.

  6. You know what, I haven't got a Goldcrest in my portfolio. I keep on trying. A beautiful blog Andrew.

  7. Andrew these little birds are just awesome, the smallest bird we have here in Canada is the Hummingbird, the next smallest is the wren. The Gold and Firecrest are beautiful. Happy New Year.

  8. Hi Andrew....Lucky you ; }
    Amazing amd adorable little things they are...love the flashy little caps on the head !!
    Sorry about the work, but seems you had a pleasant time off !!
    Grace xx

  9. Ah it's always so nice when you get a happy surprise...lovely little birds Andrew...

  10. I don't think I've ever seen them. They are so lovely!

  11. Beautiful birds.
    I've never seem them.

  12. Hi Andrew! I'm sure those goldcrests made your day special. You can head on in to work tomorrow with a feeling of elation somewhat. Your goal no doubt to find some interesting photographs and that you did achieve for sure. What a beautiful little bird it is.

  13. Andrew, your Goldcrest is adorable. Wonderful photos too. This bird looks a lot like the Golden Crowned Kinglet we see here. Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year.!

  14. The goldcrest really is a spectacular little chap. Great shots Andrew, I can feel how chuffed you were and rightly so.

  15. Great shots of these birds, and see that you have many more. Just lovely!

  16. Oh Andrew -- what a perfect end to your Christmas weekend. That bird is just charming absolutely.

  17. The bird is like a small ball but is very cute :) nice regist

  18. How exciting to photograph them for the first time! They are beautiful little birds and I'll bet they flit about quite a bit!

  19. Pretty little guy. He looks of the nervous type and if so, good capture.

  20. What a sweet little one! Around here we have a little Ruby Crowned Kinglet, that is much a wee bird such as this~

  21. The Goldcrests are beautiful and great scenic photos of the Brook and Pool.

  22. I really love those goldcrests pics, Andrew.

  23. I know zero about birds. But I do know that he's a charming fellow.

  24. Gorgeous colors on the head! Congrats on the photos, Andrew! Well done!

  25. I am so totally NOT envious AT ALL!
    Gorgeous little bird and Lucky you to get such lovely shots!

  26. A wonderful find. Well captured. quick little things.

  27. Wow! What a great find to end your Christmas holiday with Andrew, and they stayed around long enough for you to get some pictures, excellent!!...[;o)

  28. this is such a lovely bird. Where I live I have only seen it once. And it was sooo fast I hardly got any shot at all. Love yours. :)

  29. Your new header is really beautiful Andrew.

  30. Lovely photos Andrew!
    I have heard tell of Goldcrests being caught in spider webs as they are so small and light, whether this is true or not, I don`t know. I do know however that these photos are lovely and hopefully that sand martin bank will be full come summer!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  31. What lovely birds! Those crests are beautiful!

  32. It's so beautiful! Great pics.

  33. A fine series and great shots of this tiny bird. It must have been very pleasing to get some close up of this little bird.

  34. Wonderful post, as always! I might have to buy myself a European bird book, so I can keep up with your bird list!

  35. Excellent bird! I'm lovin' the Goldcrest. Your getting some great sightings!
    Happy New Year!
