Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The commonest bird on the Planet....................................... the Chicken

Where would we be without our wonderful chickens... 24 billion plus in the world.
Beautiful birds I would love to keep if I had the space.

During my walk on Saturday I climbed over a stile into a field sign posted "Bull in Field".
It was a public footpath and as far as I know it is illegal to have a dangerous bull in a field with public access.... the cattle were Longhorns and beautiful beasts to see.
They were at the far side of the field... so on I went.

As I wandered across towards the stile on the far side I saw some free range hens foraging alongside the hedgerow I was following and took a few images.

With the cold wet weather I have had this week these are my best bird images of the week.

 Lovely to see them running loose.... free range eggs are so much tastier.
Not the prettiest birds in the world but with the human population reaching 7 Billion people they are probably the most important birds on Earth.

To see more lovely birds click on the image below to visit.
World Bird Wednesday LVI


TexWisGirl said...

i eat a lot of them! (sorry, birdies!)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

You make a good point about the importance of chickens. They are beautiful birds-- a red Leghorn/Jungle Fowl has to rank up there on the glamour scale.

holdingmoments said...

Yea, where would we be without chickens Andrew. I never knew there were that many in the world though.

Bob Bushell said...

I used to keep a few of them, running around the place. It was lovely, and when they laid their eggs, that meant its time for scrambled, fried, poached or boiled eggs for dinner, yummy. Your lovely photos helped me to unlock my stomach.

ADRIAN said...

Andrew, Always ignore the 'Beware of the Bull'. You are right it is illegal and doubles the penalty should you be gored on a footpath. Any of the longhorns or highlands are ready for a stroke from you and a sniff from them. Cattle are peace loving animals.

Unknown said...

Wow, free range chickens. Great to see. Boom &n gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful birds, love to see them running loose.
Thanks for sharing.
Here it's raining every day, so I don't get any bird images.

mick said...

Your post made me smile! Fancy posting photos of hens (or 'chooks' as we would say out here!) - but I love them! We always had some in the yard as we were growing up.

Rambling Woods said...

My neighbor had chickens and I learned to love them as birds, not as chicken fingers....I would love to have them too...Michelle

Martha Z said...

I love free range eggs. I made a 20mi round trip today to secure some. It wouldn't make any environmental sense except I had saved up a bunch of other errands in the area near the Tuesday farmers market.

joo said...

I love this post! They may be common, but look at them - such interesting creatures!

Carole M. said...

I couldn't help but wonder with this being a public access property, if the free-range eggs don't get 'poached'? Great photos Andrew; poultry makes such interesting subjects; good opportunity.

eileeninmd said...

I love the chickens, I also have a neighbor that has chickens but they are in pens. Great photos.


Beautiful poultry.

All photos show good sharpness and beautiful colors.


NatureFootstep said...

the first shot is photographically beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

Probably the most unappreciated bird in the world until it is sitting in front of you on the dinner table. Nice of you to give it some respect and credit on WBW Andrew.

One said...

I took some similar photos a few days ago during my visit to Thailand. They look the same in Malaysia where I live. Actually, I think they are pretty. They are a whole lot more colorful than sparrows.

Reena said...

When I see them like this, I feel bad about eating them. Oh my!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...like being on my daughters farm ..the chickens and sheep ...no bulls!!
I love to watch them.. so funny...
Very nice photo's I think they are charming...especially like the first!! : }


Nature Rambles said...

Love all the colours on them. Interesting to see chickens from your area.

Arija said...

They certainly are very useful birds and so nice and restful to have around scratching here and there in the garden.
Don't you have enough space for just one? THey make great pets and provide your breakfast as well.

Hilke Breder said...

Nice post. I hope the chickens have a safe coop at night, otherwise they'd be quickly diminished by a fox, or here by a coyote. I always buy only free-range eggs and chickens. I am horrified by photos showing hens crowded together in tiny cages where they can't even turn around.

Liz said...

Common bird, yes, but great shots Andrew!!
We had chicken for dinner tonight :)

Springman said...

I heard that the World population reached 7 billion last week. That is a lot of Humans to feed, cloth, and educate. Consider that the one billion mark was passed in 1800. We need a lot more chicken nuggets today! Your points are well taken.

don said...

I'm glad you braved the cows to get these chicken shots. Very well done. They look very healthy…free ranging seems to agree with them.

Modesto Viegas said...

Nice post!!!!

Pantherka said...

Beautiful photos of hens. Their meat is good, both in soup and in sauce with cream. And the fact is, if chickens running freely, eggs are so much better.

Pat said...

Lovely little hens!

Brian King said...

There's a bird I never thought I'd see for WBW! You are right about their importance. I have seen some unusual looking chickens, although not free range. I've heard the eggs are better tasting.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love the chicken pictures -- our daughter and sil keep some on their acreage and the eggs are so much better -- yolks are an entirely different color from those you buy!

Um -- the bull? It might be illegal to keep one, but you'd still come out the worse if you tangled with it. (Be careful out there ;>)...(Say "OK Grandma!.)

Dina said...

Shalom Andrew. I'm really enjoying going back through your blog. You have so many beautiful things to show. The barns are beautiful.
I raised chickens once and can appreciate your chicken portraits here.
Wishing you some dry days (and to us, the opposite).

Inger-M said...

I love eggs, especially with bacon... yum! Lovely series!