Sunday 11 December 2011

Alice in Wonderland.......................... the birthplace of Charles Dodgson

It has been cold and very wet here today so I have decided to share a bit of my local history.

I had a walk a few months ago around Daresbury a small rural Cheshire village not far from Warrington and about ten miles from my home.
The most notable attributes of Daresbury are that it was the birthplace (some 1.5 miles south of the village) of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Dodgson).

The stained glass window and a close up of a panel.
All Saints Church Daresbury.
 Daresbury is famous for being the birthplace of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Dodgson).

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1832-1898
Pen name Lewis Carroll.
Daresbury has become a place of pilgrimage for followers of the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
I parked at the local hostelry The Ring O' Bells and crossed over to All Saints Church to see the stained glass window commemorating Charles Dodgson and his wonderful stories about the adventures of Alice.
My walk took me along country lanes and under the M56 motorway crossing fields and passing through farm yards towards his birthplace the family home on Morphany Lane.

The site has become a monument to Lewis Carroll and the outline of the house has been marked out to show the position of the rooms and a structure erected to show the entrance to the Parsonage.
(his father was the local parson).
The position of the front door to the birthplace of Charles Dodgson... AKA Lewis Carroll.

The author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was born in Cheshire.
The walking is over level countryside so easily traversed and lots of wildlife to spot.
Brown Hares souring Buzzards and I was even lucky enough to see a Red Kite one afternoon on my way home from the local Nature Reserve at Moore just a mile or so from Daresbury.

So the birthplace of Lewis Carroll has a lot to offer.
He sent shrank Alice and sent her down a rabbit hole and her adventures involved White Rabbits a Dormouse the Queen of Hearts and even a Mad Hatter and of course a Cheshire cat.


  1. I will have to try and remeber that name, sounds like it could come in useful in a pub quiz or something like that!
    Thanks for increasing my knowledge!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  2. Such a beautifully executed commemorative stained glass window. I much prefer visiting significant sites of the greats of art and literature than generals and battles. Thanks Andrew.

  3. I didn't know that Charles Dodgson was really was Lewis Carroll, stunning. I used to be a Lewis Carroll fanatic and I do like every thing. Thanks Andrew.

  4. Andrew, this was very informative, thank you. I particularly like your photo of the stained glass, nice job! Looks like an interesting spot to visit.

  5. Beautiful window, and great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Fascinating post Andrew, thank you. Very enjoyable indeed!

  7. he had such an imagination that he was probably considered quite eccentric! :)

  8. Hi Andrew! Interesting to see this history re Lewiss Carroll. Great to have the ornamental archway depicting the front entrance to where he lived. A real step back in time for your photographic adventure.

  9. It's an interesting regist! Thanks your sharing

  10. Hi Andrew... I think I remember you telling something about this before, and I still find it very interesting, but I also find it interesting that since it is nearing Christmas that you have shown the nativity scene in the stain glass as well : }


  11. A Good post. Nice shot of the window.
    I bet they wish they hadn't demolished the parsonage.

  12. Hi there - like the idea of marking out where the old house used to be with a fence and gate.

    There are 416 butter fly species from Australia and all of its more distant islands. The main part of the country has 398. So that a lot when I think about it!


  13. Your first photo is amazing, Andrew. What craftsmanship! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. :)

  14. I enjoyed this post and wasn't aware of this..beautiful area too Andrew.. Michelle
