My trip to Martin Mere took up three posts....... keep scrolling down if you havn't read them all.
It's a wonderful bird reserve to visit.
Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina).
I don't like to disappoint.
Of course I took my little camcorder with me on my trip to Martin Mere.
Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus).
My little clip is just two and a half minutes in length.
My little clip is just two and a half minutes in length.
I have also managed to edit the clip without having to add audio.
Audio?... two minutes in and the wild birds are being fed... the volume increases.
Pintail (Anas acuta).
The best I could manage amongst the chaos.
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust feed the wild birds every day at 3pm... it's a popular spectacle.
It was impossible to single out a particular bird with the camera even though they were all so close.
I was also surprised to see how aggressive the Pintails were for such a pretty little duck.
Highlight of my day had to be seeing (and hearing) the Eiders.
Eider (Somateria mollissima).
This was post #3 of my trip to Martin Mere.
If you would like to view #2 and #1 just keep scrolling down few posts.
I would love to read your comments.
To see more wonderful birds click on the image below to view.
World Bird Wednesday LIV

Highlight of my day had to be seeing (and hearing) the Eiders.
Eider (Somateria mollissima).
This was post #3 of my trip to Martin Mere.
If you would like to view #2 and #1 just keep scrolling down few posts.
I would love to read your comments.
To see more wonderful birds click on the image below to view.
World Bird Wednesday LIV

The video clip is just delightful - such a wealth of different water-bird life. I do love this pretty Eider!
Hi Andrew,
Love the Pintail! A Pintail drake in its breeding finery is truly stunning!
You could make some wonderful greetings cards with these photos...
Beautiful photos of the birds at the Martin Mere WWT, especially the Red-crested Pochard, superb.
Beautiful photos Andrew :)
that's a mess of birds! nice to hear the scuttlebutt!
Wow..I am surprised that nobody gets hurt with that many birds going after the food...amazing....Michelle
love that little red-crested Pochard ... you got an awesome shot of him. it was delightful to hear all the noise!
Wow! amazing birds and fantastic photography!
The duck(?) in the first shot is adorable, such a cute expression! Awesome video clip; there are really A LOT of birds there, very impressive! A wonderful post, Andrew!
Your clip is awesome...they are very active...Excellent stills also the Eider is MY favorite!!!!
Surprised you managed as well as you did. There are almost too many birds. How do they feed that lot?
So many birds! Who would thought there ever could be too many birds, but I can see why it was hard to single out just one. What a great place. Wonderful video Andrew.
Beautiful photos and video.
What exotic water birds you have there!! Although the moorhen looks very similar to its downunder counterpart, it's a treat to see the fabulous colours!!
just wonderful!!
Great photos of all the ducks and waterbirds. It looks like a very interesting place to visit.
I admire your perfect photos, colours, sharpness and everything is just correct.
And these birds are like pieces of jewellery, so beautifully coloured :)
They're all beautiful Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Beautiful photos of the birds.
I love special the Red-crested Pochard..
Thank you for sharing.
You let me here with a smile!!
Good night from Greece...
Hi Andrew, great collection of birds. The Red-crested Pochard is beautiful, the others are familiar to one I see here. Great photos.
These are beautiful birds and the video clip puts me right in the midst of all of them. Wonderful photography!
Such great images! They look like pretty ducks but guess they are not. My favorite would have to be the first image.
I'm sure this' the first time I've actually seen the Eider (down) duck; great photograph Andrew
Hi there - like the eider ducks! Don’t really have any sea duck down her, so it’s nice to see some again.
Stewart M - Australia
lovely photos and videos. The eider are particularly wonderful. I've not been to Martinmere for awhile so good to have this reminder of what a lovely place it is.
Beautiful ducks! That first one is very unique! Great job, Andrew!
Beautiful three posts on your visit to Martin Mere, Andrew! What a great assembly of birds - I am so envious! Awesome images and wonderful video!
I wish I lived close enough to visit this reserve. It looks like a marvelous place. You made the most of your visit....the images are spectacular.
so many great shots :) Can oly admire them. Red-crested Pochard is gorgeous. I have seen it once but from a distance. Not hat close. :)
Crazy good stuff Andrew, I'm going to need a little rest after catching up on your last three posts. What a mixed flock! I would have gone crazy trying to photograph the madness of it. Thanks for the video of the action. The end of day section was awesome along about 2:11. I can not get over Harrier Hide. That buildings like this are provided to help folks enjoy and appreciate the sights is amazing. A true architectural gem. Whimsical and practical. Love it!
Great images! The first one is wonderful - such beautiful colours!
And I really like the last one of the Eider too with a great reflection.
What a wonderful post! Love those incredible ducks and of course, your video with the sweet voices of the swans.
Fantastic pictures...the first one is really a BEAUTY.
very nice done Andrew
Greetings from Holland, Joop
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