Sunday 27 November 2011

A Sunday afternoon stroll in the Cheshire countryside............................

I had a lovely walk this afternoon around the paths and lanes near Arley Hall.
 I am surprised how many trees are hanging on to their leaves... a few images of my local countryside.

The still images don't show the weather conditions...
So I have added a little video clip.

It was a lovely walk... unfortunately it's back to work tomorrow.


  1. A couple of really stunning images today. The first is a gem but the third takes the prize for me.

  2. captured these wonderfully.. we are heading into winter so this was a treat for me today..Michelle

  3. GORGEOUS trees! love these! and love the green cropland too!

  4. They are lovely these autumn pictures, the colors and light are very nice!

  5. They are beautiful trees. Autumn Arboretum.

  6. I agree with Adrian, the third photo is fantastic! A lovely group of shots showing a perfect autumnal day!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  7. Great post Andrew. Our leaves are mostly gone.Good suggestion re Grosbecks. When they were first seen out west by settlers they were seen in the evening, and grosbeck is French for big beak.I included it in the post. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Beautiful trees, Andrew. I love the second photo most!
    In five days will be weekend again:)

  9. I'm in total awe of the beauty in your pictures... I live in the city, So I don't get to see much of the beauty in nature the way you have it. Being a military brat, I've lived in a lot of places- but never somewhere like that! WOW! I'll be sure to check your blog out on a regular basis... BEAUTIFUL- and THANK YOU for sharing :)

  10. I to agree with Adrian. I love them all but the third one is my favorite.

  11. The videa does indeed tell more of the story! Your photos are great!

  12. I can't pick just one - they are all stunning! you still have so much green!

  13. Oh I would love to have a copy of that third one on my wall. Gorgeous!

  14. Large span of trees, how is the air condition there? It is not that good in my place, a pity

  15. Hi Andrew..These are just fantastic, but I also really like the third one too!!
    Lovely there I have 4 inches of snow left from last weeks 10 inches !!


  16. Tally up another vote for that third photo. I like that you included it in your video too.

  17. Nothing wrong with the video but I'd advise you to do as I don't and stick with one great image. I hope work treats you kindly.

  18. Come on, Drew...the pictures are magnificent!!!
    But the video clip shows the the trees and bushes....brrr...I'm cold now!!!

    Thank you for visiting. I apreciate that.

    and...back to work too...
    I' m going, I'm going....
    (my pupils miss me...LOLOLOLOL)I bet they do...LOL

  19. I am playing catch up after completing our olive harvest and setting up my own photography blog. It has been lovely to scroll through your delightful images of the Cheshire countryside this evening.

  20. What a joy! It was foggy, dreary, drab here!

  21. The trees are awesome; I love these shots!
