Sunday, 13 November 2011

It's not only the birds that visit my little garden......................................

My garden feeders are usually quite busy throughout the year.
 But not always with the intended wild birds they are meant for.

The Long-tailed Tits enjoying the suet balls.
 Not content with the stuff the birds cast aside...
 ...leaving that for others to clear up.
 All he wants are the peanuts.... one!"

This little Wood Mouse is usually content with the scraps on the ground but I have seen them climbing up the Clematis to reach the feeders in the past.
Hedgehogs are always welcome as they eat the slugs and snails that damage my plants.

To see more wonderful birds click on the image below to view:
World Bird Wednesday LII



ADRIAN said...

Nothing like variety.....a beautiful little mouse.

Art said...

Wow .. Fantastic pictures, have a nice Sunday!

John said...

Hi Andrew,
Lovely photos of the Long-tailed Tits! My wife loves these birds, she calls them badger birds!
I too have Grey Squirrels visiting my garden, up to 6 at any one time, I used to get annoyed, but have come to live with it!

Anonymous said...

Nice capture of the Wood Mouse. Cute guy. Squirrels not so cute. Constantly battling them makes it so. The Hedgehog is neat. Never seen one before. Nice that he is beneficial.

TexWisGirl said...

you know i love this post! i always enjoy seeing your garden birds, but the squirrel and mouse are just too cute!!! and the hedgehog as well. :) loved it!

Captain Shagrat said...

good to see the hedgehog as they don't seem abundant in my area. The second squirrel picture looks like he's doing a Tommy Cooper impression...Just like that.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

We do not have this much cute visitors, but we are feeding now, because the weather is cold.
Have a beautiful evening, Andrew

Debbie said...

my yard is filled with critters, i think the bird seed draws them in.

these guys are adorable, i especially enjoyed the little wood mouse. i would think it would be difficult to get a picture of him!! my squirrels...strike the exact same poses!!

BlueShell said... cute, all of them...
I like the way you catch those litlle ones...
Thank you.

Blue Shell

Bob Bushell said...

I like the little mouse, he's precious. Brilliant photos too.

Unknown said...

From all visitors the one at the bottom is my favourite, but you are so lucky, they are all lovely.

Unknown said...

Great post!! The hedgehog is really something. Malamutes pull the heavy wieght, so they're not as fast as say siberians. So be careful if you're going to wager. Do you like your Nikon D-90? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Fábio Martins said...

loool very animals in yout garden.
Beautiful animals and absolutely great photos

The Glebe Blog said...

You've a variety of wildlife there Andrew,but you can keep the Grey Squirrel.The Stravaigin restaurant in Glasgow had a grey squirrel problem....they solved it by putting it on the menu.They still serve it today.

Chatty Crone said...

My goodness - you have a big group of critters there don't you? And you caught all of them on camera - I'm impressed. sandie

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful pictures. When we stayed in London that time our landlady belonged to something called the hedgehog appreciation society (I think that was it, it's been a while)...anyway I wanted to go with her to see one, but she didn't invite me ;<(. Yours is adorable. You can't outwit those squirrels;I enjoy watching them now, but when we had feeders, I got a little tired of the $$ I was spending to feed them (instead of the birds!)

Reena said...

Really enjoyed this post and all your critters that stop by! Some really good captures of their expressions! Love it!

Carole said...

With as rural as we are, we expected to see squirrels at some point. Never have. We see them near the filbert orchards as we drive to and from our destinations, and at local parks, but never on our property. The occasional chipmunk shows up, but even those, we've only seen two in the ten years we've lived in this house. When I was a kid they were all over the place.

My in-laws live in the burbs and feed several squirrels. The critters seem to have become more 'citified' these days. lol

Love the hedgie. As far as I know, there are no free roaming hedgies in these parts. Would love to see one 'in the wild'.

joo said...

I love this post, Andrew! The photos of squirrel are treasures:)

Modesto Viegas said...

Great series!

Pantherka said...

Andrew, it's wonderful, beautiful shots and impeccable commentary.

Jenny Woolf said...

Great series of pictures these. My friend swears that the squirrels in his garden can undo wing nuts.

mick said...

Great photos of all the wildlife visiting the feeders. Squirrels are so cute but I possibly wouldn't think that if they were all around my garden!

eileeninmd said...

You do see a great collection of critters at your feeders. Love the photos.

Arija said...

What a darling hedgehog! Love your critters Andrew.

Springman said...

Sweet garden tour Andrew. I have been nurturing a clematis for a few years and I finally got some decent blooms this summer. I love that plant, but I have never seen mice climbing it!
Excellent post as always!

Larry said...

Great shots of your garden Andrew! The Long-tailed Tits on the suet are cool shots but I really like the Wood Mouse and the Hedgehog!

Pat said...

Beautiful captures of all the critters that visit your garden, Andrew!